

作者:戎晏甫朱正一 引用關係
作者(外文):Jung, Yen-fuChu, Cheng-i
主題關鍵詞:病人安全文化HSOPS量表信效度Patient safety cultureHSOPSReliability and validity
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2.Feng, X.; Bobay, K.; Weiss, M.(2008)。Patient safety culture in nursing: A dimensional concept analysis。  new window
3.Hammer, A.; Ernstmann, N.; Ommen, O.; Wirtz, M.; Manser, T.; Pfeiffer, Y.(2011)。Psychometric properties of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture for hospital management (HSOPS_M)。  new window
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7.Scherer, D.; Fitzpatrick, J. J.(2008)。Perceptions of patient safety culture among physicians and RNs in the perioperative area。  new window
8.Smits, M.; Christiaans-Dingelhoff, I.; Wagner, C.; Wal, G.; Groenewegen, P. P.(2008)。The psychometric properties of the 'Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture' in Dutch hospitals。  new window
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