

作者:魏明利陳銘樹 引用關係黃芬芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Wei, Ming-liChen, Ming-shuHuang, Fen-fen
主題關鍵詞:醫院節能管理Hospital saving management
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本研究係以新北市某醫學中心為例,為響應政府推動節約能源及能源使用效率,所進行系列之研究探討。經由能源使用分析,選擇以能源費用支出較多或在技術層面、管理層面較易於執行者,列為優先研究探討之項目;如電能、水資源、燃油等。因此在執行策略上,優先將空調、照明、動力、省水裝置、鍋爐燃油及其它節能管理等方案列為改善重點。所獲得的成果經統計,2007年節能費用Cost down約258萬元/年、節約用電量約790千度/年、抑制CO2排放量725公噸/年,效果顯著足以印證執行策略之效益。本研究主要目的在於經由各項『節能減碳』措施及『能源使用效率』進行探討,並針對能源『使用政策』及『管理方法』,加以分析並彙整成可行方案,進而提出相關建議事項,提供管理階層作為評估、決策之參考。由於策略執行過程中,發現改善設備的『節能效率』、加強『節能管理』、如何影響『顧客的習慣』等,為常遭遇之瓶頸或困難點。因此從建立醫院『節約能源』管理技術、瞭解『節約能源』領域之趨勢與方法,針對上述困難點逐步推動,應可使『節能減碳之環境』成為醫療機構具備的特色之一。
The object of this research, taking case study hospital of New Taipei City as an example, is to respond to the government to promote energy conservation measures and increase efficiency of energy use. The main motive is to be the guardian of environment protection by exploring "efficiency improvement in energy use" and "energy-saving measures. The executive strategy of energy saving was discussed frequently and analyzed by electric quantity. Consequently, air-conditioning system, lighting system, power, water-saving device, oil boiler and other energy-saving management plans are listed as amending points in priority and reviewed as the reasons which result in energy consuming. There are three difficulties which need to be overcome in priority, such as improve energy-saving efficiency of facilities, strengthen energy-saving management and influence customers' habits. These three difficulties are analyzed, explained and summarized into some suggestions which can be supplied to the management team of hospital as reference of decision making. As in previous studies, we extract the following five reference points for this research: (a) power load management (b) air-conditioning system(c) lighting system (d) water resources and (e) other resources.
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