

作者:陳錦偉 引用關係楊育寧 引用關係許義章范志雲
作者(外文):Chen, Chin-weiYang, Yu-ningSheu, Yih-jangFan, Chun-yun
主題關鍵詞:籃球跳投運動學BasketballJump otsKinematics
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This study mainly discussed the analysis of basketball jump shot motion characteristics. Hoping the results help to find out the shooting problems of players and increase field goal percentage. Literature analysis method was used to explain the shooting movement analysis of upper limb kinematics, lower limb kinematics and how the ball rotated after being delivered from the player. The results appeared that jump shot technique process completed in an extreme short period. Every movement of shooting linked closely together. The correct shooting movement depends on every section of body to crook and stretch simultaneously. The correct shooting movement is the critical factor of increasing field goal percentage. It is suggested that coaches should find out the problems of low field goal percentage, such as wrong ball catching techniques, shooting with uncoordinated body and feet, and unpracticed to help players go throw the frustration and raise field goal percentage and team strength.
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