

作者:鄭光慶周宏室 引用關係
作者(外文):Cheng, Kuang-chingChou, Hung-shih
主題關鍵詞:教師評鑑內涵教師評鑑指標量表預測力Teachers' evaluation contentTeachers' evaluation indicatorsScalesPredictability
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This study aimed to investigate the content and indicators in the field of health and physical education (PE) for Junior high school teachers in Taiwan so as to provide the reference for schools and educational administration organizations in policy-making and implementation. The self-designed teachers' evaluation content scale and teachers' evaluation indicators scale were used for the questionnaires. Nine hundred and seventy-two participants, including principals, director of student affairs, section chiefs of hygiene and PE, or teachers of health and PE were asked to fill out questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results from this study were indicated as follow: 1. There are nine dimensions and thirty-four indicators in teachers' evaluation content. The teachers' evaluation frames are constructed by levels, dimensions and indicators, and containing four levels, fourteen dimensions and sixty-nine indicators. 2. Both scales of questionnaires were highly correlated. 3. Some categories in the teacher evaluations content such as "the main purpose of the evaluation," "items of routine preparing stages," "items of evaluation planning stages," "evaluation procedures" and "record items of evaluation results" were indicated higher predictability. In this study, the developed evaluation scales containing the content and indicators were conducted with appropriate procedures, and tested with high reliability and validity. It is concluded that the evaluation content and the indicators of the scale in this study can be used as a reference and applied to the teachers of the field of health and PE of junior high schools in Taiwan.
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