

作者(外文):Chen, Ming-chiaChang, Yun-hsiTsai, Yi-fan
主題關鍵詞:經營效率智慧資本資料包絡分析法結構方程模式Operational efficiencyIntellectual capitalData Envelopment AnalysisDEAStructural Equation ModelingSEMHospitality industry
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The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect on the intellectual capital for the operational efficiency in the hospitality industry. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was employed to determine the operational efficiency. The total production efficiency, allocative efficiency, technical efficiency, scale efficiency and pure technical efficiency serviced as the variable measurement for the operational efficiency. The dimension of intellectual capital was measured by structural capital and human capital. The Model was validated by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The primary finding of the study indicates that the intellectual capital has a significant positive effect on operational efficiency in hospitality industry. Furthermore, organizational culture capital and process capital has most affect on the structure capital; customer capital and member's ability influence the human capital the largest. Finally, the total production efficiency has the majority inference on operational efficiency; other variables such allocative efficiency, technical efficiency, scale efficiency and pure technical efficiency are irrelevant in this research.
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