

書刊名:科技學刊. 人文社會類
作者:張文山 引用關係管倖生 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, WenshanGuan, Shing-sheng
主題關鍵詞:設計專案網站設計合作設計Design projectWeb site designCollaborative design
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The product of web site is a kind of knowledge outcome. The project of web site design is a working process of high knowledge-based economy gathered at several professions. It is also field on the knowledge production that take the creativity design as the core. The long distance of the working model for web site design team will be become a challenge in the today’s complicated environment. It will be an important competitive factor how to handle excellent team interaction and performance that the members face on the distance organization change, information overloading, and distribution working area. This study adopted an experimental method to probe into the relationship between the interaction and performance on the web site design distance organization and to use the amount of team virtualization as an independent variable, use the amount of team performance as a dependent variable. The measure of team virtualization is based on the amount of internet mediated communication, and the amount of distribution area. The measure of team performance is based on the amount of design pattern number, team effectiveness, and collaborative satisfaction. Besides, the study also aims at latent factors of team interactive behavior and performance using open questionnaire to inquire the opinions. The results of the experiment are that the internet mediated communication and the distribution area are not the key influence factors of virtual team interaction and performance. Smoothly team interactive behavior is the key factor. In fact, the team members’ relationship offers the key to an understanding of the influence of virtual team interaction and performance that including the way of communication, sharing model, trust, and condensation under the level of society and emotion.
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