

書刊名:臺北市立教育大學學報. 人文社會類
作者:林子龍 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Zih-long
主題關鍵詞:情慾圖像焦慮禁忌文化挫折昇華物化Erotic of artAnxietyTabooCultural frustrationSublimeReification
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這篇論文提出了三個問題,第一個問題是現代社會對性的態度已呈現多元化的樣貌,尤其是從屬於藝術作品裡的性元素,理論上它與性知識一樣,應該都享有道德上的豁免權,但為什麼我們在面對它時還是會感覺到某種焦慮感?這種來自身體直接反應的焦慮感是從何而來?第二個問題是這類藝術作品裡的情慾性質除了與色情不同外,它與性的知識也沒有什麼關聯性;應該這麼說藝術的情慾圖像既不去刺激觀者對情慾的感官體驗(色情),也沒有意圖要對性的內容做深入的結構性探討(性知識),那麼它的目的究竟是什麼?第三個問題是當代社會可以在公共殿堂展示這類性質的情慾,但它不像色情圖像那樣具有普遍性的官能刺激力,只有少數人有興趣去感受它的內容,簡單的來說就是社會精英份子才會討論的內容,它這種源自色情但卻是一種論述形態的色情,對社會的意義究竟是什麼?這篇論文把這三個問題奠基在情慾如何誘發文明集體焦慮感這個論點上,並透過“昇華”的觀點來闡述。論述的過程主要運用了 Freud對性本能動力學的理論、 Foucault對非理性及性意識的詮釋、 Baudrillard的象徵理論、以及 Marcuse的美學理論,透過對四位學者相關文獻的探討與分析,就情慾圖像在藝術、知識與色情三者上做觀念與脈絡的澄清,以區分它們在概念分類上的差異性。
There are three questions to be raised in this essay: (1) Even the erotic of art, as expression of sexuality, has received the reprieve from morality in modern society. Why people still feel anxious while confronting the erotic of art? (2) As the erotic of art is different from pornography, and it is not direct connected to the knowledge of sexuality, what is the purpose of the erotic of art? as it is not intended to stimulate people’s sexual excitement nor to interpret the science of sexuality. (3) Although the erotic of art was permitted to be exhibited in public, it seems there are only a few artists or artistic critics, interested in this subject matter, what is the social meaning of the erotic of art? Using the concept of “sublime” and examining through literature reviewing the theories of Freud’s libido dynamics, Foucault’s sexuality ideal, Baudrillard’s symbolic theory, and Marcuse’s aesthetics, all three questions are discussed to find out how sexuality could cause anxiety in modern society.
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2.Malinowski, Bronislaw、朱岑樓(1948)。巫術、科學與宗教。臺北:協志工業。  延伸查詢new window
3.Ritzer, George、Goodman, Douglas J.(2003)。Sociological theory。New York:McGraw Hill。  new window
4.Lukes, S.(1985)。Emile Durkheim﹕His Life and Work。Stanford, CA:Stanford University。  new window
5.Mailinowski, B.(2002)。Crime and custom in savage society。London:Routledge。  new window
6.Gay, P.(1989)。The Freud reader。New York, NY:W. W. Norton。  new window
7.Deleuze, Gilles、Guattari, Félix、Massumi, Brian(1988)。A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia。Inneapolis:University of Minnesota Press。  new window
8.Foucault, Michel、Hurley, Robert(1978)。The History of Sexuality: An Introduction。New York:Random House Press。  new window
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10.Baudrillard, Jean、Grant, Iain Hamilton(1993)。Symbolic Exchange and Death。London:Sage Publications。  new window
11.Benjamin, Andrew(1989)。The Lyotard Reader。Basil Blackwell。  new window
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13.Freud, S.(1950)。Totem and taboo。New York。  new window
14.Hegel, G. W. F(2000)。Extracts from aesthetics: Lectures on fine art. From the continental aesthetics reader。London。  new window
15.Kahn, M.(2002)。Basic Freud: Psychoanalytic thought for the 21st century。New York。  new window
16.Luhmann, N.(2000)。Art as a social system。Stanford, CA。  new window
17.Townsend, D.(2000)。Aesthetics: Classic readings from Western tradition。Belmont。  new window
18.Foucault, Michel、Howard, Richard(1989)。Madness and Civilization: a History of Insanity in the Age of Reason。London:Routledge。  new window
19.Marcuse, H.(1978)。The aesthetics dimension: Toward a critique of Marxist aesthetics。Boston。  new window
20.Freud, S.、Strachey, J.(1962)。Civilization and its discontent。New York:W. W. Norton & Company。  new window
21.Habermas, J.(1986)。The theory of communicative action。Cambridge。  new window
22.Held, D.(1990)。Introduction to critical theory。Cambridge。  new window
23.Johnson, C.(2003)。Claude Lévi-Strauss。Cambridge。  new window
24.Jung, C. G.(2001)。On the nature of the Psych。London。  new window
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