

作者(外文):Huang, Song-lihHuang, Yibee
主題關鍵詞:吸菸菸害防制菸商自由健康不平等壓力SmokingTobacco controlTobacco industryFreedomHealth inequalityStress
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1.Brandt, Allen M.(2012)。Inventing Conflicts of Interest: A History of Tobacco Industry Tactics。American Journal of Public Health,102(1),63-71。  new window
2.Chuang, Shu-Hui、Huang, Song-Lih(2011)。Changes in Smoking Behavior among College Students Following Implementation of a Strict Campus Smoking Policy in Taiwan。International Journal of Public Health,57(1),199-205。  new window
3.Fichtenberg, Caroline M.、Glantz, Stanton A.(2002)。Effect of Smoke-Free Workplaces on Smoking Behaviour:Systematic Review。BMJ,325(7357),188。  new window
4.Kouvonen, Anne(2005)。Smoking Status, and Smoking Intensity: An Observational Study of 46 190 Employees。Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,59(1),63-69。  new window
5.Poland, Blake D.(2000)。The 'considerate' Smoker in Public Space: the Micro-Politics and Political Economy of 'Doing the Right Thing。Health & Place,6(1),1-14。  new window
6.Saloojee, Yussuf、Dagli, Elif(2000)。Tobacco Industry Tactics for Resisting Public Policy on Health。Bulletin of the World Health Organization,78(7),902-910。  new window
7.Titus-Ernstoff, Linda(2008)。Longitudinal Study of Viewing Smoking in Movies and Initiation of Smoking by Children。Pediatrics,121(1),15。  new window
8.Doll, Richard(2004)。Mortality in Relation to Smoking: 50 Years' Observations on Male British Doctors。British Medical Journal,328(7455),1519。  new window
9.Duncan, Craig、Jones, Kelvyn、Moon, Graham(1999)。Smoking and Deprivation: Are There Neighbourhood Effects?。Social Science & Medicine,48(4),497-505。  new window
10.Jha, Prabhat(2006)。Social Inequalities in Male Mortality, and in Male Mortality from Smoking: Indirect Estimation from National Death Rates in England and Wales, Poland, and North America。Lancet,368(9533),367-370。  new window
11.曾慧萍、鄭雅文(20021200)。「負荷-控制-支持」與「付出-回饋失衡」工作壓力模型中文版量表之信效度檢驗:以電子產業員工為研究對象。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,21(6),420-432。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.王佳雯、鄭雅文、徐儆暉(20110600)。不安定僱用模式與受僱者健康之相關。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,30(3),217-229。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.黃怡碧、黃嵩立(20111000)。菸品無裝飾包裝之合憲性探討。法學新論,32,141-166。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.溫啟邦(2011)。重新評估台灣菸害導致的死亡數。第五屆兩岸四地菸害防制交流研討會。台北。  延伸查詢new window
1.Foucault, Michael、Sheridan, Alan(1995)。Dicipline & Punish: The Birth of Drison。New York:Vintage。  new window
2.Mill, John Stuart(2001)。On Liberty (1859)。Kitchener:Batoche Books Limited。  new window
3.Nussbaum, Martha C.(2004)。Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame and the Law。Princeton University Press。  new window
4.Nussbaum, Martha Craven(2000)。Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach。Cambridge University Press。  new window
5.Lukes, Steven(2005)。Power: A Radical View。Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
1.Montaño, Daniel E.、Kasprzyk, Danuta(2008)。Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Integrated Behavior Model。Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice。San Francisco:Jossey-Bass。  new window
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1. Father, Teacher, Criminal: Historical and Generic Reading of William Wordsworth's Two-Part Prelude
2. Musik als Berufung--E. T. A. Hoffmanns Komponistenkarriere und sein Versagen
3. Dream on Classical and Modern Works: Life Is a Dream of Calderón de la Barca & Open Your Eyes of Alejandro Amenábar
4. La Composición Morfológica del Chino Mandarín y el Español
5. 「大目乾連冥間救母変文并図一卷并序」における表現形式について
6. A Cognitive Analysis of Puns in Spanish Advertising
7. 探究低成就學童的數學加法遊戲之圖像式思考歷程
8. 評Mica Cole ed., «Education, Equality and Human Rights (教育、平等與人權)» (London: Routledge, 2006)
9. 評1.胡適編,《人權論集》(1929) 2.Maurice Cranston, «What Are Human Rights? (什麼是人權?)» (Taplinger Pub. Co., 1973) 3.Louis Henkin, «The Rights of Man Today (當今人的權利)» (Westview Press, 1978)
10. 評1.Conor Gearty, «Principles of Human Rights Adjudication (人權審判原則)» (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004) 2.Conor Gearty, «Can Human Rights Survive? The Hamlyn Lectures 2005 (人權能否存續?)» (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) 3.Conor Gearty, «Civil Liberties (公民自由)» (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
11. 轉型正義的機制及脈絡因素--以臺灣為例
12. 臺灣勞工運動的突圍與創進
13. 在不公平競爭下仍具公信力的選舉:2012年臺灣大選觀選評論
14. 亞洲公民社會引入國際選舉觀察團致力提昇選舉可信度
15. The Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
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