

作者(外文):Lin, Yi-hseunLin, Chia-yuWang, I-jenHwang, Yaw-huei
主題關鍵詞:幼稚園兒童血液Kindergarten childrenBloodLead
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目標:兒童的生長發育與智能發展可能會受到低鉛暴露的影響。本研究目的在於了解國內幼稚園兒童血中鉛濃度範圍與影響因素,提出鉛暴露防治建議。方法:以區、市、鎮、鄉各級行政區域分層隨機取樣,自2011年4月至10月間依序邀請被隨機選取之行政區域內幼稚園參與本計畫,經園方協助徵求家長同意後,共計934名兒童參加。血液樣本以感應耦合電漿質譜儀進行分析。結果:幼稚園兒童血中鉛濃度幾何平均值為1.86 μg/dL(幾何標準差1.55),血中鉛濃度超過4 μg/dL的比例為3.7%。地區別以離島之血中鉛濃度最高(2.59 μg/dL),北部最低(1.53 μg/dL);縣市別以金門縣(2.80 μg/dL)、彰化縣(2.53 μg/dL)等最高,桃園縣(1.28 μg/dL)、新竹市(1.32 μg/dL)等最低;家庭收入、父母親教育程度等指標與幼稚園兒童血中鉛濃度呈負相關(p<0.0001);父親職業為農林漁牧業之幼稚園兒童其血中鉛濃度較高(> 2.20 μg/dL)。結論:雖然國內幼稚園兒童血中鉛濃度分佈多數已降低至1~3μg/dL左右,但鑑於兒童血中鉛濃度在10 ug/dL以下仍有可能遭受到腦部或神經傷害,國際間也倡議兒童血中鉛值參考閾值宜進一步降低,因此建議國內兒童血中鉛監測警戒值設定為4 μg/dL,針對高危險群加強環境鉛暴露防護。並從改善健康不平等特性來進一步達到防制環境鉛暴露的目的。
Objectives: Children's growth and intellectual development are affected by low-level lead exposure. The aims of this research were to measure the concentration of lead in the blood of the kindergarten children in Taiwan and to explore the relevant determinants in order to prevent future lead exposure. Methods: Random sampling was done at various administrative levels such as district, city, town, and village. Kindergartens from administrative areas that were randomly selected were then invited to participate in this project between April and October 2011. A total of 934 children from the participating kindergartens in the selected areas took part in this study after their parents signed a statement of consent. Blood lead level was determined with inductively coupled plasma. Results: The geometric mean level of lead in the blood of kindergarten children was 1.86 μg/dL (geometric standard deviation =1.55). The percentage of blood lead concentrations exceeding 4 μg/dL was 3.7%. In terms of geographical areas, subjects from the off-shore islands had the highest geometric mean blood lead concentration (2.59 μg/dL), while those in northern Taiwan had the lowest (1.53 μg/dL). Among the counties, children from Kinmen (2.80 μg/dL) and Changhua (2.53 μg/dL) presented with the highest blood lead levels while those in Taoyuan (1.28 μg/dL) and Hsinchu (1.32 μg/dL) had the lowest. Blood lead concentration was negatively correlated with household income and level of parental educational (p < 0.0001). Children whose fathers worked in the industries of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries tended to have higher blood lead levels (> 2.20 μg/dL). Conclusions: There is an international consensus to further lower the safety threshold for children's blood lead levels since damage to the brain and nervous system has been reported with blood lead levels less than 10μg/dL. Therefore, even though the blood lead levels of kindergarten children have generally been reduced to 1~3 μg/dL in Taiwan, a referential threshold of 4 μg/dL was suggested in order to enhance the prevention of lead exposure for people at high risk, with efforts on eliminating health disparities and inegualities in the general population.
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