

作者:徐偉庭 引用關係周宏室 引用關係陳文長 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Wei-tingChou, Hung-shihChen, Wen-chang
主題關鍵詞:多元智慧理論驗證性因素分析複核效度Multiple intelligence theoryConfirmatory factor analysisCross-validation
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Purpose: Based on the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence in multiple intelligence theory proposed by Gardner (1999), the study was designed to develop a two dimensional (body and kinesthesis) instrument to measure adolescents' bodily- kinesthetic intelligence. Methods: There were three phases of this study, and the effective samples were 302, 295, and 279 junior and senior high school students for each phase respectively. The first phase provided content validity, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and internal-consistency; the second phase, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, and average variance extracted were also provided; the third phase was the examination on cross- validation. Results: The index for each validity and reliability were supported in the "Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence Scale for Adolescents" which developed in this study. Conclusions: In the research issues related to multiple intelligence theory or bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, the "Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence Scale for Adolescents" would be an effective measurement for future researchers.
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