

作者:翁逸群 引用關係張鈞堡
作者(外文):Weng, Yi-chunChang, Chin-pao
主題關鍵詞:廣告訴求產品屬性產品知識知覺風險品牌承諾Advertising appealProduct-attributeProduct knowledgePerceived riskBrand commitment
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Consumers can have more choices with growing categories of products following the emerging numerous goods. Tailoring the needs of consumers is essential for manufacturers on marketing advertisements. The advertising appeal can separate two parts, one is rational appeal, and the other is emotional appeal. In these cases, corresponding to different product attributes, product knowledge, perceived risk, brand commitment, all of which might result in changes in consumer buying decisions.In previous studies, most scholars used OLS and Paths analysis to explore the main variables and the relationship between buying behavior and advertising appeal. This study will set advertising appeals as the independent variable, and then dependent variable is set to purchase, and product attributes, product knowledge, perceived risk and brand commitment to set the interference variables. Four different experiments were designed to distribute the questionnaire to explore consumer behaviors. The final results can be contributed on academic field as well as enterprises in advertising and marketing. Viewpoints of multiple dimensions on the design of advertising, intact understanding on product attributes, and consumer familiarity with the specific products are suggested for business owners on effectively promoting the related goods. Only when the advertisements can make consumers much closer to them can the enterprise benefits from the significant selling growth.
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