

作者(外文):Chen, Xing-can
主題關鍵詞:中國小麥起源考古發現ChinaWheatOriginArchaeological finds
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Archaeological discoveries have demonstrated that millet, wheat and rice had already become the major economic crops of the Central Plains region of China from the early Shang period onward. The most recent research shows that the history of wheat cultivation in China can be traced back at least to the Majiayao Culture period around 3000-2500 BCE. Wheat cultivation in the Central Plains and in the Shandong peninsula can be traced back to the Longshan period of 2500-2000 BCE. The present paper presents an overview of recent archaeological discoveries of wheat in early China, and goes on to point out that the route by which wheat arrived in China from Western Asia has become increasingly clear. Widespread implementation of the flotation technique and advances and developments in archaeological work in the field have meant there is hope that in the not too distant future that we will be able to fill in the missing links in delineating the 'wheat road.'
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