

作者:廖宜緯陳美光陳羽康鍾玉龍吳守從 引用關係
作者(外文):Liao, Yi-waiChen, Mei-kuangChen, Yu-kangChung, Yuh-lurngWu, Shou-tsung
主題關鍵詞:氣候變遷平地造林碳貯存量植生指標Climate changeAfforestationCarbon storageVegetation index
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氣候變遷已成為無法避免之趨勢,且其影響範圍廣大,故需藉由栽植造林以及減少碳排放來達到減緩氣候變遷。而台糖公司配合政府政策,於2002年將廣大農業土地轉化成平地造林,透過遙測技術之輔助,可監測屏東地區平地造林碳貯存量的變化,進而對林地進行有效管理。本研究以2005、2009兩期SPOT-5影像,透過植生指標之輔助,進行碳貯存量與影像反射值之迴歸分析,藉以推算屏東平地造林之碳貯存量,結果顯示農場林地植生覆蓋面積達1,839 ha,2005年碳貯存量6.147 C Mg ha-1,總累計量11,304.33 C Mg;2009年平均碳貯存量為6.693 C Mg ha-1,總累計達12,308.43 C Mg。
Climate change has become on inevitable trend and influenced huge ranges all over the world. Therefore we should reduce carbon emissions and plant trees to achieve the mitigation of climate change. Taiwan Sugar Corporation in Ping-Tung transformed the agricultural lands to the afforestation of flat lands which’s been operated in coordination with government’s policies in 2002. By analyzing two images of 2005 and 2009 used to be the materials, this research estimated the afforestation’s Carbon Storage in Ping-Tung of Taiwan Sugar Corporation by vegetation index. The results showed that the farm covering area of forest vegetation is 1,839 ha in 2009, and the annual carbon accumulation was 6.693 C Mg ha-1, and 12,308.43 C Mg in total. In 2005, the average annual carbon storage capacity is 6.147 C Mg ha-1, and 11,304.33C Mg in total.
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