

作者(外文):Lin, I-cheng
主題關鍵詞:情緒地理情緒距離親師互動Teachers' emotional geographiesEmotional distanceTeacher-parent interaction
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In social science studies, emotions are considered a new and increasingly important research subject. In the study of education, emotions play an important role in teaching and especially in teacher-parent interactions. Based on the framework of "emotional geographies" introduced by Hargreaves, this study analyzed emotional geographies of teacher-parent interactions in five dimensions, including sociocultural distance, moral distance, professional distance, political distance, and physical distance. The qualitative research approach was adopted. Drawing on a sample of six elementary school teachers, this study analyzed data collected through interview and observation to find that emotional geographies can effectively help anatomize teacher-parent interactions. The major findings were as follows: (1) teachers' emotions are profoundly affected by the stereotypes of sociocultural and family structure; (2) teachers and parents may have larger emotional distances when they have divergent ideas about teaching or class management; (3) teachers have negative emotions when they feel their professionalism or autonomy is infringed or offended by parents; (4) excessive parental power and overemphasis on teacher status may easily cause fluctuations of teachers' emotions; (5) both teachers and parents are emotionally susceptible to physical conditions, such as time and space, and their communication methods should conform to the trends of the times.
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