

作者:左宗宏 引用關係李俊憲
作者(外文):Dzwo, Tzong-horngLee, Chun-hsien
主題關鍵詞:媒體偏差臺灣大選政治傳播總統選舉內容分析Presidential electionTaiwan electionMedia biasContent analysis
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23.Fico, F.、Freedman, E.、Love, B.(2006)。Partisan and structural balance in newspaper cover-age of U.S. senate races in 2004 with female nominees。Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,83(1),43-58。  new window
24.Fico, F.、Ku, L.、Soffin, S.(1994)。Fairness, balance of newspaper coverage of U.S. in Gulf War。Newspaper Research Journal,15(1),30-44。  new window
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