

書刊名:臺中教育大學學報. 人文藝術類
作者:王珩 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Heng
主題關鍵詞:教師培訓跨文化能力跨文化教學Teacher educationCross-cultural competenceCross-cultural teaching
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跨文化外語教學發展至今雖已有一段歷史,其必要性也普遍獲得肯定,然在過去實施上卻未見得理想。究其背後癥結所在,可以發現到教師培訓不足乃是一個關鍵因素。由於長久以來外語教學普遍受到語言教學導向的影響,以及相關師培機構對教師跨文化能力的不同理解,致使教師的跨文化專業素養受到了忽略,甚至在培訓內涵上也缺乏一套有系統的設計。有鑑於跨文化教學的實施已是外語教學中一項存在的事實,因此,教師在此方面專業能力的發展自然是不容忽視的。本文在此首先就外語教師的跨文化能力進行剖析,接著以 Wallace的外語教師培訓理論作為本文依附的主要框架,就此發展出一套符合跨文化培訓的內涵,最後提出幾項教師跨文化培訓之策略,作為未來此領域培訓之參考。
Cross-cultural teaching in foreign language classroom has been recommended for some time. The necessity of this sort of teaching is widely recognized, however, its implementation still needs to be ensured. In regard to cross-cultural teaching, many teachers apparently don't know how to apply it appropriately. The crucial reason cross-cultural teaching cannot be effectively implemented in the classroom clearly comes from teachers not being taught how to work with cross-cultural matters. Seeing that cross-cultural teaching competence is needed, this study intends to give greater critical understanding of the development of cross-cultural competence in teacher education. Besides the discussion on the standard of teacher competence and a model of teacher education, several proposals are made for improving teaching strategies in teacher education.
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