

作者:黃耀宗 引用關係陳東韋 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Yao-chungChen, Tung-wei
主題關鍵詞:意圖行為實施意圖中介因素IntentionBehaviorImplementation intentionMediator
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Some of the social and health psychology theory assumed that intention was the most important and direct predictor of behavior, while recent meta-analysis and empirical findings showed that a gap existed between intention and behavior. Action plans played the role as bridging the gap between intention and behavior. The effectiveness of the action plans on a variety of health behaviors was introduced in this article, its possible mechanism and practical applications on exercise behavior were included as well. We were looking forward more practical applications using this concept, not only to promote exercise behavior for initiating and maintaining good exercise habit but also to improve the sports performance.
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