

作者:李曄淳 引用關係呂佳茹 引用關係
作者(外文):Li, Ye-chuenLu, Chia-ju
主題關鍵詞:銀髮族養生村服務品質分析層級程序法AHPAgedNursing homeService qualityAnalytic hierarchy process
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科技進步、醫學發達造成老年人口不斷攀升,因少子化之影響,以致家庭功能轉型,養兒防老之觀念逐漸改變,銀髮族的自主性與獨立性需求略漸提升,與子女居住的需求度逐漸降低,既而轉向安養機構或養生村安享晚年。因此,養生村之服務品質成為銀髮族選擇消費之依據。本研究之目的在以養生村服務品質作依據,應用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)進行各因素之評估,取得評估因素之權重值,並針對其重要程度排列優先順序,探討養生村住民考量因素之權重,及瞭解養生村住民所重視的服務品質項目,以期養生村能提供銀髮族更優良之休閒生活環境。本研究以分析層級程序法建立了環境、設備、服務、健康、娛樂5項衡量構面及17項衡量準則,正式調查以A養生村15位住民為研究對象。研究發現,住民在選擇養生村住宅時,最重視的構面為健康,而在服務方面,是住民最不重視的。此外,17項評估因素的整體權重,前五項依序分別為:醫療體系、健康諮詢、無障礙設施、就醫方便、餐具衛生。本研究深入探討銀髮族對養生村服務因素之重視程度,有別於以往多只研究養護之家的文章。另外,由所得出之各權重值,對欲經營養生村之政府或業者有具體之參考依據。
Due to the development of technology and medical treatment, the number of the aged is getting more and more. Besides, since low birth rate transforms the function of families, the recognition of raising children to caring the aged was changed, independence of the aged increases and the demand of living with children decreases. Therefore, more and more the aged choose to live in nursing homes to spend the rest of their life. Regarding this social trend, service quality becomes a criterion when the aged are choosing nursing homes. The purposes of this study are: to apply Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate consideration factors of service quality; to get the weight and priority of each factor; to realize the service factors nursing homes provide and which the aged attach importance to and to offer better living and leisure environment for the aged.
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