

作者:蘇彥圖 引用關係
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1.Cole, D.(1991)。First Amendment Antitrust: The End of Laissez-Faire in Campaign Finance。Yale Law & Policy Review,9(2),236-278。  new window
2.Samuel Issacharoff、Richard H. Pildes(1998)。Politics as Markets: Partisan Lockups of the Democratic Process。STAN. L. REV,50,643。  new window
3.Yen-tu Su(2011)。Retracing Political Antitrust: A Genealogy and Its Lessons。J, L. & POL.,27,1+6-18。  new window
4.Klarman, Michael J.(1996)。Majoritarian Judicial Review: The Entrenchment Problem。Georgetown Law Journal,85(3),491-553。  new window
5.Richard H. Pildes(1999)。The Theory of Political Competition。VA. L. REV.,85,1605。  new window
6.Daniel R, Ortiz(2000)。Duopoly versus Autonomy: How the Two-Party System Harms the Major Parties。COLUM,L. REV.,100,753。  new window
7.Samuel Issacharoff(2002)。Gerrymandering and Political Cartels。HARV. L. REV.,116,593。  new window
8.Elizabeth Garrett(2002)。Is the Party over? Courts and the Political Process。SUP. CT. Rev.,95,145-48。  new window
9.David Schleicher(2006)。Politics as Markets” Reconsidered: Natural Monopolies, Competitive Democratic Philosophy and Primary Ballot Access in American Elections。S. CT. ECON. Rev.,14,163。  new window
10.Dawood, Yasmin(2008)。The Antidomination Model and the Judicial Oversight of Democracy。The Georgetown Law Journal,96(5),1411-1485。  new window
11.Bruce E(1999)。Cain, Garrett’s Temptation。VA. L. REV.,85,1589。  new window
12.Daniel H. Lowenstein(2007)。Competition and Competitiveness in American Elections。ELECTION L. J.,6(3),278。  new window
13.Pamela S. Karlan(1999)。Politics by Other Means。Va. L. REV,85,1697。  new window
14.John Ferejohn(1999)。Its Not Just Talk。VA. L. REV,85,1725。  new window
15.Daryl J. Levinson(1999)。Market Failures and Failures of Markets。VA.L. Rev,85,1745。  new window
16.Daniel A. Färber(2004)。Implementing Equality。ELECTION L. J,3(2),371+374-77。  new window
17.Gerken, Heather K.(2004)。Lost in the Political Thicket: The Court, Election Law, and the Doctrinal Interregnum。University of Pennsylvania Law Review,153,503-540。  new window
18.Charles, Guy-Uriel(2005)。Judging the Law of Politics。Michigan Law Review,103,1099-1141。  new window
19.Symposium(1999)。Election Law as Its Own Field of Study。LOY. L. A.L. Rev.,32,1095。  new window
20.Pamela S, Karlan(1999)。Constitutional Lawy the Political Process, and the Bondage of Discipline32,1185+1187。  new window
21.Michael W. McConnell(2000)。The Redistricting Cases: Original Mistakes and Current Conseauences。Harv. J. L. & PUB. POL’Y,24,103。  new window
22.Richard H. Pildes(2006)。The Constitution and Political Competition。NOVA L. REV.,30,253。  new window
23.Richard Pildes(1994)。Avoiding Balancing: The Role of Exclusionary Reasons in Constitutional Law。HASTINGS L.,45,711。  new window
24.Richard Pildes(1997)。Two Conceptions of Rights in Cases Involving Political “Rights”。HOUS. L REV,34,323。  new window
25.Richard Pildes(1998)。Why Rights Are Not Trumps: Social Meanings, Expressive Harms, and Constitutionalism。J. LEGAL STUD.,27,725。  new window
26.Richard Pildes(2003)。Formalism and Functionalism in the Constitutional Law of Politics。CONN. L. REV.,35,1525。  new window
27.Pamela S, Karlan(2001)。Nothing Personal: The Evolution of the Newest Eqaul Protection from Shaw v, Reno to Bush v. Gore。N.C, L. REV.,79,1345。  new window
28.Heather K. Gerken(2001)。Understanding the Right to An Undiluted Vote。Harv.L. REV.,114,1663。  new window
29.Christopher S. Elmendorf(2007)。Structuring Judicial Review oj Electoral Mechanics: Explanations and Opportunities。U, PENN.L. REV.,156,313。  new window
30.Heather K. Gerken(2002)。The Costs and Causes of Minimalism in Voting Cases: Baker v. Carr and Its Progeny。N. C. L. REV.,1411+1427-1443。  new window
31.Heather K. Gerken(2007)。Rashomon and the Roberts Courts。OHIO ST, L,J,68,1213。  new window
32.Pamela S, Karlan(2007)。New Beginnings and Dead Ends in the Law of Democracy。OHIO ST. L,J,68,743。  new window
33.Luis Fuentes-Rohwer、Laura Jane Durfee(2009)。Leaving the Thicket at Last?。MICH. ST. L. Rev.,417。  new window
34.Guy-Uriel E, Charles(2002)。Constitutional Pluralism and Democratic Politics; Reflections on the Interpretative Approach of Baker v. Carr。N. C. L. REV.,80,1103。  new window
35.Peter H, Schuck(1987)。The Thickest Thicket: Partisan Gerrymandering and Judicial Regulation of Politics。COLUM. L. REV,87,1325+1337-1348。  new window
36.Kevin Mitchell(2001)。Antitrust Analysis; A Roadmap for Election Reform under the First Amendment。COMMLAW CONSPECTUS,10,157-173。  new window
37.Richard L. Hasen(1997)。Entrenching the Duopoly: Whv the Supreme Court Should Not Allow the States to Protect the Democrats and Republicans from Political Competition。SUP. CT. REV,1997,331。  new window
38.Bradley A. Smith(1991)。Judicial Protection of Ballot-Access Rights: Third Parties Need Not Apply。HARV, J. On, LEGIS,28,167。  new window
39.Mark R. Brown(1997)。Popularizing Ballot Access: The Front Door to Election Reform。OHIO ST. L. J.,58,1281。  new window
40.Nathaniel Persily(2003)。Candidates v. Parties: The Constitutional Constraints on Primary Ballot Access Laws。GEO, L. J.,89,2181。  new window
41.Richard Pildes(2004)。Competitive, Deliberative, and Rights-Oriented Democracy。ELECTION L. J.,3,685。  new window
42.Justin Buchler(2007)。The Statistical Properties of Competitive Districts: What the Central Limit Theorem Can Teach Us about Election Reform。POLITICAL SCIENCE & POLITICS,40(2),333。  new window
43.Stefano Bartolini(1999)。Collusion, Competition and Democracy。Journal of Theoretical Politics,11(4),435。  new window
44.Bartolini, Stefano(2000)。Collusion, Competition and Democracy。Journal of Theoretical Politics,12(1),33-65。  new window
45.Kathleen M. Sullivan、Pamela S. Karlan(2004)。The Elysian Fields of the Law。STAN. L. Rev.,57,695。  new window
46.Luke R McLoughlin(2009)。The Elysian Foundations of Election Law。TEMPLE L, Rev,82,89。  new window
47.James Allan(2006)。Thin Beats Fat Yet Again—Conceptions of Democracy。LAW AND PHILOSOPHY,25,533。  new window
48.Bruno S. Frey、Iris Bohnet(1993)。Democracy by competition: Rejerenda and Federalism in Switzerland。PUBLIUS : The JOURNAL OF FEDERALISM,23(2),71-74。  new window
49.Michael Wohlgemuth(1999)。Entry Barriers in Politicsy or: Why Politics, Like Natural Monopoly, Is Not Organized as an Ongoing Market-Process。REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN Economics,12,175+192。  new window
50.Samuel Issacharoff(2004)。Collateral Damage: The Endangered Center in American Politics。WM, & MARY L. REV,46,415-416。  new window
51.Elizabeth Garrett(2005)。Who Chooses the Rules?。ELECTION L. L,4,139-140。  new window
52.Elizabeth Garrett(2005)。Hybrid Democracy。GEO. WASH. L, Rev.,73,1096+1110-1121。  new window
53.Michael S. Kang(2006)。De-Rigging Elections: Direct Democracy and the Future of Redistricting Reform。WASH. U. L REV.,84,667。  new window
54.Gerken, Heather K.(2001)。New Wine in Old Bottles: A Comment on Richard Hasen's and Richard Briffauh's Essays on Bush v. Gore。Florida State University Law Review,29,407-414。  new window
55.Ortiz, Daniel R.(2004)。Got Theory?。University of Pennsylvania Law Review,153,459-502。  new window
56.Strom, Kaare(1992)。Democracy as Political Competition。American Behavioral Scientist,35(4/5),375-396。  new window
57.Tribe, L.(1999)。Saenz sans prophecy: Does the privileges or immunities revival portend the future - or reveal the structure of the present?。Harvard Law Review,113,110-198。  new window
58.Pildes, Richard H.(2004)。The Supreme Court, 2003 Term: Foreword: The Constitutionalization of Democratic Politics。Harvard Law Review,118(1),28-154。  new window
1.Hasen, Richard L.(2003)。The Supreme Court and Election Law: Judging Equality from Baker v. Carr to Bush v. Gore。New York:New York University Press。  new window
2.Dennis Thompson(2002)。Just Election: Creating A Fair Electoral Process in the United STATES。  new window
3.SAMUEL ISSACHAROFF、Pamela S. Karlan、Richard H. Pildes(2007)。The Law of Democracy; Legal Structure of the Political Process (3rd ed。  new window
4.Daniel H, Lowenstein、Richard L. Hasen、Daniel P. Tokaji(2008)。Election Law—Cases and Materials。  new window
5.Black, Charles L. Jr.(1985)。Structure and Relationship in Constitutional Law。Woodbridge, CT:OX Bow Press。  new window
6.JAMIN B. RASKIN(2003)。OVERRULING Democracy: The Supreme Court vs. The American People。New York:Routledge。  new window
7.Frederick M Barnard(2001)。Democratic Legitimacy: Plural Values and Political Power。  new window
8.Andrew M. Scott(1970)。Competition IN American Politics: An Economic Model。  new window
9.Black, Charles L. Jr.(1969)。Structure and Relationship in Constitutional Law。Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press。  new window
10.Amar, Akhil Reed(1998)。The Bill of Rights: Creation and reconstruction。New Haven, CT:Yale University Press。  new window
11.Posner, Richard A.(2003)。Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy。Harvard University Press。  new window
12.Sunstein, Cass R.(1996)。Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict。New York:Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
13.Schumpeter, J. A.(1976)。Capitalism, socialism, and democracy。New York:Harper and Brothers。  new window
14.Shapiro, Ian(2003)。The State of Democratic Theory。NJ:Princeton:Princeton University Press。  new window
15.Barber, Benjamin R.(2003)。Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age。University of California Press。  new window
16.Zurn, Christopher F.(2007)。Deliberative Democracy and the Institutions of Judicial Review。New York, NY:Cambridge University Press。  new window
17.Barber, Benjamin R.(1984)。Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age。University of California Press。  new window
18.Eisgruber,- Christopher L.(2001)。Constitutional Self-Government。  new window
1.Richard L. Hasen。Election Law Teacher Database,http://elecnonlawblog.org/。  new window
1.Daniel H. Lowenstein(2000)。The Supreme Court Has No Theory of Politics-And Be Thankful for Small Favors。SUPREME COURT AND THE ELECTORAL PROCESS。The U.S. SUPREME COURT AND THE ELECTORAL PROCESS。  new window
2.Nathaniel Persily(2006)。The Place of Competition in American Election Law。THE MARKETPLACE OF DEMOCRACY: ELECTORAL COMPETITION AND AMERICAN POLITICS。  new window
3.Graber, Mark A.(2005)。From Republic to Democracy: The Judiciary and the Political Process。Institution of Democracy: The Judicial Branch。  new window
4.蘇彥圖(2007)。在權利與結構之間--初探美國民主法學的認同與典範。現代憲法的理論與現實--李鴻禧教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集。台北:元照。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Richard L. Hasen(2011)。Judges as Political Regulators: Evidence and Options for Institutional Change。RACE, REFORM, and Regulatory Institutions: Recurring Puzzles in American Democracy。  new window
6.Samuel Issacharoff、Laura Miher(200903)。Democracy and Electoral Processes。Research Handbook on Law and Public Choice。  new window
7.Przeworski, Adam(1999)。Minimalist Conception of democracy: A Defense。Democracy's Value。Cambridge University Press。  new window
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