In this paper, the following three tests are presented in order to classify modal expressions in Korean into evidential expressions or epistemic expressions: i. counterfactual test, ii. existence-of-reason test, iii. existence-of-evidence test. In Kawazoe et al. (2010), we already proposed that the same tests as i and ii are useful to classify Japanese modal expressions. In this study, we showed that these tests can be applied also to the categorization in Korean. The test ”iii” is first introduced in this paper and may be applied to Japanese. Therefore this study suggests that those three can be useful tests of modal expressions cross-linguistically.The classification of Korean modal expressions by their formal characters was made as well as the above mentioned classification by their meanings. First, we have divided the expressions into Type A, which does not include an adnominalizer, and Type B, which does. Then Type B into the one which includes the core-modal-expressions that can only co-occur with the adnominalizer -ul, and the other which includes those that can co-occur with each adnominalizer: -ul, -un, -nun, or -ten. We have then pointed out that there are close correspondences between these formal classifications and semantic ones, the latter of which were already discussed. We have argued that essentially the modal expressions which include -ul are epistemic and those which include -un, -nun, or -ten are evidential, and have given an account for the exceptional cases.