

作者:謝佳宏 引用關係莊雅慧
作者(外文):Hsieh, Chia-hungChuan, Ya-hui
主題關鍵詞:客服中心銷售人員特質金融商品購買意圖Call centerSales staff characteristicsFinancial productsPurchase intentions
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This study started from the view of the customer call center sales staff characteristics to investigate the correlation between the call center sales staff and customer purchase intentions. In order to explore the characteristic gap of call center sales staff, thus financial products (includes consumer financial product and wealth management product) were used for research variables to compare the different characteristics of call center sales staff on financial products of customers purchase intention. This study is an empirical study which was conducted to survey the customers had received service from sales staff of domestic banking industry, total 297 effective samples have been collected. The results showed that the overall financial products, the communication skills, marketing knowledge, and service attitude are positively influenced customer purchase intention. However personnel characteristics of the most important customer in the consumer financial products marketing knowledge, followed by the service attitude, communication skills, and the professional competence. In addition, we also found that the most important communication skills in the wealth of financial products on customers, followed by sales knowledge and the service attitude. In final, the concept of this study may provide insights and implications for customer call center of banking industry to realized and identify the skills training.
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