

作者(外文):Lee, Chao-hung
主題關鍵詞:孫光憲北夢瑣言筆記小說宋代小說女性形象Sun Guang-XianBei Meng Suo YanNote-taken storiesSung novelFemale images
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"Bei Meng Suo Yan" was a kind of note-taken story in early Northern Song Dynasty that mainly recorded the affairs of each country from middle and late Tang Dynasty to Five Dynasties. Sun Guang-Xian exhorted people and analyzed issues with an attitude to record the history. It not only expressed his own opinion and encouraged his offspring, but also conveyed the implications of setting examples and taking warnings. The present study aimed at exploring the female images in "Bei Meng Suo Yan", and it was claimed that the reason why Sun Guang-Xian criticized female's talent and beauty was that he intended to emphasize the virtues of filial piety, chastity, capability, and bravery to meet male's expectation. The female characters that Sun Guang-Xian selected included every level in the society. He would not adulate those who were in prestigious position and despise those who were of humble birth. In addition, he could objectively praise good deeds and suppress evil conduct according to the standard of right and wrong. He provided some viewpoints to know how male treated female in late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, and it reflected the social aspects and moral consciousness at that time. It could also be served as a reference for researching on "Bei Meng Suo Yan" and Sun Guang-Xian's thought, so all the aspects could be thoroughly captured.
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