

作者:鄧克銘 引用關係
作者(外文):Deng, Keh-ming
主題關鍵詞:東林學派東林書院顧憲成四書晚明Dung Lin SectDung Lin AcademyGu Shian-ChengFour BooksLate Ming Dynasty
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According to the statement in Dung Lin Huei Yue by Gu Shian-Cheng, giving lectures was the main purpose of Dung Lin Academy, and its major content was to discuss and evaluate Four Books. Gu's explanations to Four Books were put in plenty of written works and records of oral lectures. These documents are still well-preserved today. They are not only the important basis for the study of the Dung Lin Sect thoughts, but are also one of the representative works of explanations to Four Books in the late Ming Dynasty.Gu did not follow Chu Tzu or Wang Young-Ming's track. His explanations to Four Books were mainly about expressing his own thoughts. He addressed in Four Books a way of bringing up reformation, especially to the aberration of learning attitudes at that time. For instance, he interpreted Ke Wu Chih Chih (study natural phenomena in order to acquire knowledge) in Da Hsueh (The Great Learning) to basically clear the original idea of Da Hsueh and to eliminate the confronting positions between Chu Tzu and Wang Young-Ming's sects. Also, he valued learning in The Analects of Confucius to correct the malady of regarding oneself as infallible. Finally, he emphasized the concept of the goodness of human nature in The Doctrine of Mean and The Works of Mencius to rid the chaos of thoughts and behaviors by Wang's Doctrine of Human No Good No Evil Nature.To make a comprehensive survey of Gu's interpretation of Four Books, it has an important meaning to the era on improving the social conduct. In addition, the respect to Confucian classics and attitude to learning which showed in his interpretation to Four Books has an inspiring influence on the change of the learning attitude of valuing classics and knowledge between late Ming and early Ching Dynasty.
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