

作者:吳芝儀 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Chih-yi
主題關鍵詞:就業力就業職能職場職能EmployabilityEmployability skillsWorkplace competency
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本研究旨在於探究日益受到我國高等教育體系重視的「就業力」、「就業職能」或「職場職能」之內涵,據以勾勒出「本土化核心就業力指標」,以作為發展有效評量工具之基礎。本研究採取文件分析和焦點團體為研究方法。研究者廣泛蒐集我國政府部門有關「就業力」、「就業職能」或「職場職能」之文件資料,包括政府相關部門出版品、學術論文與研究報告等,針對上述名詞的內涵進行比較分析,佐以世界先進國家有關「就業力」(employability)、「就業力技能」(employability skill)、「職場職能」(workplace competency)或「關鍵職能」(key competency)之論述,歸納為初步分析結果,作為焦點團體座談之輔助資訊;進一步邀請國內大學校院兼任就業輔導或職涯輔導單位主管、或政府青年輔導部門相當關注大專青年就業力或核心職能議題的9位學者專家,進行一場專家諮詢會議;最後統整歸納出「本土化核心就業力架構」,包括「個人特質/態度」、「學習/思考」、「人際/社會」和「職涯發展」等四個類別,涵蓋表達溝通、問題解決、團隊合作、終身學習、自我管理、創新應變、科技應用、職涯規劃、職場認知和國際宏觀等10項核心就業力,以提供我國政府部會訂定青年就業力培育計畫或核心職能培育政策之參考。
In light of the rapid change in global economic conditions, youth employability has become one of the most crucial issues in youth policies among various developed countries. Enhancing the employability of students enrolled in higher education has gained the attention of many researchers and practitioners. This has led to a greater impact on ideological formation and practice within the higher education system in Taiwan. This study aims to construct a localized framework for a valid assessment of core employability skills among Taiwanese students enrolled in higher education. Components such as “employability”, “employability skills”, and “workplace competency” were investigated. Document analysis of government publications, academic articles and research reports among Taiwan and various other developed countries was conducted by delineating core meaning and components among relevant terms including “employability,” “employability skills,” “workplace competency,” and “key competency.” The results address four major domains and core components of youth employability skills. Based on such findings, a focus group interview was conducted with nine experts, including directors of career development centers in higher education settings, scholars with expertise and concern in youth employability, and directors who are responsible for the national career development project from the National Youth Commission. Then, a localized framework to address core employability skills applicable for higher education was proposed. The core employability skills framework consists of four major domains: personal attributes/attitudes, learning/thinking skills, interpersonal/social skills, and career development abilities. Ten core employability skills were included in the framework: communication, problem solving, teamwork, life-long learning, self-management, creativity & adaptability, technology, career planning, workplace cognition, and global vision. The framework of this study will provide a reference to the government of Taiwan for establishing projects and policies relevant to the fostering of youth employability.
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