

作者:吳文郁 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Wen-Yu
主題關鍵詞:乒乓球有機膠水無機膠水Ping pongOrganic glueInorganic glue桌球球拍
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Several articles have shown that the use of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) glue has caused negative effects on human bodies. Since September 1, 2008, the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has banned the use of organic glue, and checked the rackets by using detection equipment in the tournaments. The author has introduced the VOCs scrutiny process and provided some advices on it. However, with the advance of science and technology, the VOCs detecting equipment is getting precised and accurate, which also makes the detection processes stricter than ever before. The purpose of raising the VOCs scrutiny level not only protects the health of players and people surrounded, but also tries to terminate the use of inhibiting organic glue in table tennis. To achieve the requirement of using legal glue, the scrutiny items are also increased to ensure the fairness of the competition. A new issue is raised that players who are trained through the old regulations to adapt the new scrutiny process and adjust the training programs. Through the reviews of the related documents and records, this article introduces the current racket examining process and methods in tournaments. In addition, this article reminds table tennis players and coaches to focus on the routine which improves the technique and physical fitness and also notices the legality of the table tennis racket.
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2.李昶弘(20100800)。有機膠水與無機膠水對桌球運動員的健康與技術影響之探討。運動知識學報,7,64-72。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.吳文郁、徐國慶、洪光燦(20111000)。桌球膠皮黏著劑與檢測儀器之介紹。大專體育,116,79-85。new window  延伸查詢new window
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6.香港乒乓總會。最新消息,http://www.hktta.org.hk/cgi-bin/display/news.cgi?news=347, 2012/01/06。  new window
7.馬鈺龍(20110515)。奧運桌球新規則單打男女各兩人團體賽採單淘汰。  延伸查詢new window
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9.楊敏輯。國際乒聯重拳推廣無機膠水違規者將被直接判負,http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/20864/2008/12/24/1945s2371451.htm, 2008/12/24。  延伸查詢new window
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