

作者:蔣興儀 引用關係魏建國
作者(外文):Chiang, Hsing-yiWei, Chien-kuo
主題關鍵詞:紀傑克拉同陰性主體性致命女人性別教育Slavoj ŽižekJacques LacanFeminine subjectivityFemme fataleGender education
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本文以紀傑克的心理分析倫理學觀點為主,闡述「女人不存在」(Woman does not exist)之命題,並兼論它對性別教育之啟發。全文有四個要點。第一,男人眼中的美麗女人是個擬似(semblance)。擬似來自於男人的自戀:他投射自身的理想形象在女人身上。其目的是為了遮掩「女人不存在」,將她的存在之匱乏給予體面化(gentrify)。第二,19世紀後大量出現的致命女人(femme fatale)之形象是男人的幻象,但部分女性主義者卻把這個幻象視為女英雄。事實上,致命女人是基本幻象,男人藉此獲得受虐的享受。致命女人之形象並不只是男人秘密欲望的再現,而是超出了想像,展現為邪淫的倒錯。致命女人的逾越並沒有取消父權,反而弔詭地支撐了父權。第三,當女人脫離男人所投射的致命女人之形象時,她才真正地解放她自身。她突破了幻象,並且經驗到某種歇斯底里之崩潰。她承擔了她的命運,將自身暴露為存在之匱乏(lack of being)。她是絕對否定的無同一性,她不存在。第四,根據心理分析倫理學的啟發,性別教育需要去闡述父權社會塑造女人之刻板印象的複雜心理機制。更重要的是,性別教育需要澄清女人之主體性:女人之主體性不同於男性同一性之邏輯,而是「女人不存在」。
Based on Zizek's psychoanalytical ethics, this essay focuses on ”Woman does not exist,” explicates this proposition and clarifies its inspiration to gender education. Essay includes four main points.First, beautiful woman that is seen by man is a semblance. This semblance comes from man's narcissism. Man projects his ideal image unto woman. The reason that motivates man's narcissistic projection is to dissimulate the nonexistence of woman and gentrify her lack of being.Second, plenty images of femme fatale that emerged since 19th are male fantasies. However, feminists overlook this fantasy-projection and treat her as a heroine. Femme fatale is the fundamental fantasy through which man obtains masochistic enjoyment. Images of femme fatale are not the simple presentation of man's secret desire but the perverse exhibition of obscenity beyond his imagination. Her transgression does not annihilate paternity but paradoxically sustain the latter.Third, woman can truly liberate herself by detaching herself from images of femme fatale that is projected by men, She breaks loose from male fantasy and experiences the hysterical breakdown. She assumes her destiny that is more terrifying than the fatality and exposes her lack of being. Woman does not exist. She is the absolute negativity without substantial fullness.Fourth, based on the inspiration of ethics of psychoanalysis, gender education explicates the complex psychological mechanism that is used by paternity to construct the stereotype of woman, moreover, it clarifies feminine subjectivity. Feminine subjectivity differs from itself and is without identity. Feminine subjectivity is the nonexistence of woman.
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