

作者:劉玉國 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Yu-kuo
主題關鍵詞:詩經誰謂Classic of PoetryWho saysHornBeakSnoutMouth
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Poetry Odes of Shao & South Paths Drenched with Dew contains the passage "Who can say the sparrow has no horn, How else could it bore through my house?"; the "horn" in "the sparrow has no horn" has had different interpretations since Mao's Zhuan, Zheng's Qian. It has been interpreted as "beast horn" or "bird beak," resulting in confusion among readers of the Classic. This study uses the initial meaning of "horn," finding examples of "horn," "beak," "snout," and "mouth" in ancient literature, and uses relevant semantics and sentence constructions to evaluate them, concluding that: the "horn" in "the sparrow has no horn" should be interpreted as "beast horn" as best. This is because it is normal for sparrows to have beast horns, but the person in the poetry has been accused wrongfully, and feels anger. Thus, he used the "unusual" question of "who can say the sparrow has no (beast) horn" to express anger. This causes a reader to pay attention to it out of surprise. If it is interpreted as "bird beak," then "who can say the sparrow has no beak" is rather pointless.
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