

作者:趙正敏吳佩璟林文郎 引用關係王英財
作者(外文):Chao, Cheng-minWu, Pai-chingLin, Wen-langWang, Ying-tsai
主題關鍵詞:全國中等學校運動會形成指標參賽動機賽會支持National high school athletic competitions of TaiwanFormative indicatorsParticipation motivationEvent support
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The propose of this research is to develop a participation event support model of sport event. This research reviews the literature relating to participation motivation, involvement, satisfaction, and event support. There were 860 validate questionnaires came out from competitors of 12 items in the competition after stratified sampling of 2009 National High School Athletic Competitions of Taiwan. This research application questionnaire and a structural equation modeling was then used to explore among the participation motivation, involvement, satisfaction, and event support. The model developed in this research had excellent reliability and validity. The findings show that: The participation motivation may has a positive impact on involvement, satisfaction, and event support; the involvement may has a positive impact on satisfaction and event support; the satisfaction may has a positive impact on event support. Based on the finding, some implications for practice and theory, and the suggestions for future study.
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