

作者:張嘉妤詹玉艷 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Chia-yuChan, Yu-yen
主題關鍵詞:社交禮儀時尚童裝平面廣告EtiquetteFashionKids wearPrint advertisements
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本研究藉由4家時尚童裝品牌a la sha、Kenzo kids、Ugly Children's Clothing以及Lili Gaufrette之平面廣告探究與成人社交禮儀關聯性。首先自社交禮儀、流行時尚、時尚美學、拉康鏡像論等觀點進行文獻蒐集,再者瞭解童裝歷史脈絡及童年消逝的社會現象,透過符號學進行分析其廣告表現手法及符號意涵與成人社交禮儀之關係為何。研究結果發現兩點:一、瞭解其兒童服裝演進之脈絡,東西方童裝早期與成人版無異,演化至今受成人的觀點影響,使之時尚化;二、前述四家品牌各有不同的策略:怪趣的a la sha、陰鬱的Kenzo kids、kuso的Ugly Children's Clothing及夢幻的Lili Gaufrette,其廣告主要訴求為具有購買力的成人,故廣告元素是根據成人之價值觀及心理層次,進而展現其時尚品味以及社會地位表徵;各異其趣的風格是針對現今消費者,他們已從傳統的追隨型轉變為注重個人主義以及獨立自主性強之類型,因此時尚童裝藉由微細差異來滿足表達個人亦是菁英分子,抑或是鏡射成人對於時尚的迷戀,來彰顯成人與眾不同的品味,滿足父母對於自身中高社會經濟地位的期待和對孩子的想像。
To search the relation of etiquette with 4 brands of kids wear's Print Advertisements, which are a la sha, Kenzo kids, Ugly Children's Clothing, Lili Gaufrette. Collecting literature through etiquette, fashion, Lacan's Mirror Stage; then realized the history of kids wear and the disappearance of childhood; finally, analyzing these ads expressions and meanings of signs were with Semiology. There are 2 results about research : the First is, there are no differences between kids wear of west-east and adults by realizing the history of kids wear, the fashion processing also affected by viewpoint of adults; the second is the main ads appeal which are adults with purchasing power parity(PPP). Ads express what personal taste and social status are with personal value and psychology. Stylish has connections with consumers who are from following to individualist. By small difference which ads of kids wear shows upper class, fascination of fashion, narcissism, unique taste. Besides, satisfies the exception of high social status and the imagination to children.
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