

作者:劉曼麗 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Man-li
主題關鍵詞:小數國小學童DecimalsElementary school students
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本研究的主要目的在探討我國國小學童小數概念的發展情形,也包括學童的錯誤想法和迷思概念。筆試樣本是透過全國分層隨機取樣而來,包括北一、南一、北二、南二、山地及偏遠等六區四、五、六年級學童,共計 2850人。評量工具為自編的筆試試題。筆試試題分成四五年級卷與六年級卷,本文以此二份試卷的共同試題,包括小數圖像表徵、小數記數系統、小數與分數互換、單複名數轉換、估測、小數比大小、小數稠密性、小數加減等八個部分對三個年級學童的答題表現進行比較和分析。資料收集以筆試為主,而資料分析則以量化為主和質性為輔。研究結果發現,我國四至六年級學童的小數概念是隨著年級增加而成長,但學習成效普遍較不理想,僅有五、六年級的高程度學童表現不錯。此外,各年級學童在估測與小數加減部分的表現最好,在小數與分數互換、單複名數轉換與小數稠密性三部分的表現則最差。綜合歸納學童的錯誤想法和迷思概念,可歸結於學童是否能掌握小數符號的意義和小數符號的結構,而這關鍵處即在於學童是否能理解小數的十等分割意涵和小數的十進制記數系統。最後,根據本研究的發現,提出一些建議作為小數教材和教學的參考。
This study investigated the development of Taiwanese elementary school students’ concepts of decimals. The subjects of the study included 2,850 grade 4, 5 and 6 students which were randomly sampled and stratified from 6 different parts of Taiwan. Two sets of written tests developed by the researcher were given in which one set of the test was administered for the grade 4 and 5 students and another for grade 6 students. The following eight different kinds of decimals concepts were aimed to assess the students: iconic representations of decimal, notation system of decimal, conversion between decimals and fractions, conversion between different units used in measurement, estimation, comparison of decimal, density of decimal and addition/subtraction of decimal. The answers from three different graders were analyzed. Quantitative analysis showed that the students’ concepts of decimals improved as their age increased but they did not perform well on the test except for the high-level groups of grade 5 and 6 students. All students performed best on estimation and addition/subtraction of decimal, but poorly on conversion between decimals and fractions, conversion between different units used in measurement and density of decimal. Furthermore, based on the qualitative analysis of the mistakes that the students made in the test, the researcher concluded two major reasons that appears to account for the mistakes the students made. The students failed to understand the meaning for decimal notation and notation system of decimal, and the key is to partition by 10 and the base-10 place-value system. Based on the findings, suggestions for teaching decimals to elementary school students were proposed.
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