

作者:林明舜黃韶顏 引用關係丁一倫倪維亞 引用關係黃啟揚 引用關係劉姚伶廖成文 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Ming-sunHuang, Shau-yenDing, Yi-luenNi, Wei-yaHuang, Chi-yangLiu, Yao-lingLiao, Cheng-wen
主題關鍵詞:營養態度大專院校學生Dietary practicesCollege and university students
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This study focused on the dietary practices of college and university students in Taiwan area in order to comprehend the correctness of their dietary practices and the differences of practice among students with different backgrounds. There were 2,092 valid questionnaires returned. Descriptive Analysis, T-Test, and One-Way ANOVA were employed for statistical analysis.The dietary practices scored average 3.33 which represented 67% correctness. Nutritional Labeling and food packaging awareness scored greater than both emotional dietary practices and balanced dietary practices. Students with self-aware normal body posture scored better than overweight ones. Those who eat breakfast 5 to 6 times regular each week had higher scores that eating 1 to 2 times each week. Eating breakfast daily scored higher that those who eat 1-6 times each week. Vegetarians scored better than non-vegetarians. Those who take nutritional supplements had higher scores. Students who worked out regularly and with enough sleep scored better while those who reside at home performed better than those who stay in school dorms or apartments. Students with allowance below NT$4,000 scored better that those with NT$7,001 to 9,000. At last, students had taken nutrition related courses had higher scores.
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