

作者(外文):Chen, Jih-chiang
主題關鍵詞:多向度量尺法知覺定位國際化資源集群分析競爭合作Multidimensional scalingMDSPerception positioningInternationalization resourceCluster analysisCompetition and cooperation
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在全球化與國際化的氛圍下,本文擬定位國內各公立一般大學校院初步國際化資源的程度,並分群分析各大學校院間相對競合態勢,以為高等教育國際化經營策略的參考。 本文以台灣地區99學年度,各公立一般大學校院中的外籍學位生人數、外籍交換生人數、外籍教師占全校教師比及全英語授課數,為各大學校院國際化資源的初步指標變項,嘗試將各變項進行多向度量尺法分析,知覺定位各大學校院在各向度空間上彼此距離的分布,並進行集群分析。多向度量尺法結果顯示,R2值為.99752>.95,Stress係數為.04529<.05,二數值均合乎標準,表示此二向度的知覺定位圖具有合理性;依集群分析結果,公立一般大學校院可分為三個較適集群;將上述兩方法分析結果對照後,以了解各集群間、各集群內,各大學校院的相對競合態勢。
Under the circumstance of globalization and internationalization, this paper plans to position the degree of initial internationalization resource on public-general universities and colleges in Taiwan; further to cluster and analyze the competition and cooperation trend among the different universities and colleges as future reference for operation strategies of internationalization of higher education. This paper has taken the number of foreign students, the number of foreign exchange students, the rate of foreign language teachers, and the number of all English teaching classes on public-general universities and colleges in Taiwan in 2010 as the initial index variables for internationalization resource of universities and colleges. And than, the researcher proceeded with multidimensional scaling with the four variables for perception positioning the mutual distance between universities and colleges at different dimensions and to proceed with cluster analysis. The result of multidimensional scaling indicates R2 value is .99752>.95, and Stress coefficient is .04529<.05; the two values meet the standard. This result means the perception positioning of these two dimensions are reasonable. As to the result of cluster analysis, the publicgeneral universities and colleges have been classified into three clusters. At last, the researcher compared and contrasted the results that obtained from above two analyses to understand the mutual competition and cooperation among different clusters, within the clusters and among different universities and colleges.
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