

作者:楊政樺 引用關係盧衍良 引用關係林詠晴李靜旻 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Cheng-huaLu, Alex Yen-liangLin, Young-chingLee, Jing-min
主題關鍵詞:臺灣高鐵臺鐵量尺定錨羅序模式再購動機Taiwan High Speed RailTaiwan RailwayScale anchoringRasch modelRepurchase motives
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Regarding various service properties provided by Taiwan High Speed Rail and Taiwan Railway, some are likely to uphold passengers' decisions to consume again for their future journeys, while the others pose obstacles, known as psychological impedances from their next choices. Internally speaking, "re-purchase motive" and "psychological impedance" are two confronting forces in every consumption decision making and lead to decision-making thoughts. Utilizing the concept of anchoring the scale in this study, the Rasch model is conducted to convert log odds scale to establish inferences basis of the data structures in order to identify the respondents' behaviour patterns for selecting transportation and finally, employing appropriate marketing practices. The research findings suggest that competitive advantages for Taiwan High Speed Rail are flexible promotions of various ticket prices, frequent runs, on-time arrival, clean environment, explicit and updated information, barrier free space for disabilities and professional service personnel. However, the disadvantages include the remote locations from city centers and inconvenience of transferring. On the other hand, main stations of Taiwan Railways are right located in city centers with the key advantages of convenient transportation and passenger-friendly neighborhoods. Moreover, the much cheaper ticket fare plays an important role of the repeat patrons' repurchase motives. However, those infrequent runs, delay of arrival, lack of barrier free space for disabilities, the untidy environment and the attitude of the service personnel are the obvious drawbacks of Taiwan Railways and needed to be improved.
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