

作者:賴永裕 引用關係籃梅瑛傅鍾仁 引用關係
作者(外文):Lai, Yung-yuLan, Mei-yingFu, Chung-jen
主題關鍵詞:國際會計準則會計教育高職IFRSAccounting educationVocational high schools
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Financial Supervisory Commission announced ”The Roadmap of Business uses international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in Taiwan” that defined the schedules and suitable objects in 2009. Listed and OTC companies are required to follow the rule of IFRS to prepare their financial reports since 2013. Ministry of Examination also announced such standards and related reports will be included in the examination scope of related public officials and certified public accountants. It's a concerned issue to realize whether vocational high schools can adjust the content of courses as for the using IFRS, since it is still uncertain till the end of 2011. This research uses questionnaire survey, which the research objects are accounting teachers of vocational high schools. The results show that most of teachers agree that accounting courses to be based on IFRS. In addition, using IFRS will increase the willing of advanced studies, and accounting teachers need to acquire related ability certificates of IFRS considerably. They also suggest that the design of accounting courses must be adjusted, and expect both testing center and Council of Labor Affairs are able to announce the schedule of using IFRS in examination as soon as possible. This research suggests that both course planning and the adjustment of syllabus must be early. Meanwhile, related education authorities and teachers must cooperate and involved in the improvement with regard to accountingprofessions aggressively.
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