

作者:莊瑞珠陳秀淋陳能靜 引用關係
作者(外文):Chuang, Rwei-juChen, Show-linChen, Nen-jing
主題關鍵詞:羅吉斯迴歸未預期總體訊息技術分析指標匯率反轉點Multi-nominal Logistic regression modelUnexpected macroeconomic newsTechnical analysis indicesForeign exchange ratesTrend reversion
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本文應用非預期之總體訊息指標與技術分析指標於多分類羅吉斯迴歸模型,以探討影響歐元、英鎊、加幣與日圓走勢反轉的因素。本文研究的主要結論為:1.不論是美國聯準會或是歐洲央行的訊息對於解釋匯率的反轉影響都非常重要,其它指標例如美國的銷售及國際收支情形,以及歐元區通膨、製造業及銷售狀況或有影響力,但其重要性均遠不如央行指標;2.在技術面指標方面,除了歐元反轉可由MACD 與KD 來解釋外,其它三種貨幣的反轉是被開收盤價差 (OP/CL) 所解釋。
This research studies the dominant trend reversion factors of exchange rate by Multi-nominal Logistic Regression model. Unexpected U.S. and Euro zone macroeconomic news and technical analysis indices are tested on four exchange rates, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, and USD/JPY. The results indicate that the unexpected central bank news is by far the most important factors among all the macroeconomic news tested. In respect of the technical indices, only KD and MACD have slight impact on EUR/USD’s reversion, while the difference of close and open prices has significant explanatory power on the trend reverse of GBP/USD, USD/CAD, and USD/JPY.
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