

題名:Body of Mine, Body of State: 'Scarred Memoirs' and the Unravelling of Southeast Asian History
作者(外文):Leong, Kar Yen
主題關鍵詞:政治羈押人權東南亞傷痕文學國家掌握身體的權力流亡Political detentionHuman rightsSoutheast AsiaScar literatureThe state biopowerExile
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This paper looks at the way in which the state employs technologies and methods in the control of the human body. It uses a body of literature centred on and from Southeast Asia in order to investigate the instances of ‘biopower’ as states attempt to integrate individuals into its structures to create a more cohesive nation. With that, I will also show how these individuals resist the power of state through acts of resistance. Ultimately the essay will show that despite the overwhelming capacity of state not just to ‘control’ its citizens but also in forming national narratives, the emergence of such scar literature in Southeast Asia will serve to present a differing view, filling the gaps which national history created.
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