

作者:張仲德王素芬 引用關係林登秋
作者(外文):Chang, Chung-teWang, Su-fenLin, Teng-chiu
主題關鍵詞:物候氣候變遷地面觀察遙測常態化差異植生指標PhenologyClimate changeGround observationRemote sensingNDVI
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Changes in temporal pattern of plant growth (i.e. plant phenology) are one of the main effects of global climate change on ecosystems that may alter the geographical distribution of organisms. We reviewed the studies of vegetation phenology derived from field observations, and using remote sensing techniques and evaluate the potentials and challenges of the integration of these two approaches. Long-term field records revealed responses of plants to climate change. Plant phenology has changed substantially over the last half century due to elevated temperature associated with global warming. Growing season started earlier, ended later and lasted longer than before in various regions. Results suggested that climate change had significantly affected the growth of terrestrial ecosystems which in turn had major influences on ecosystem productivity and carbon cycling. Temperature was the dominant factor affecting plant phenology in boreal and temperate regions and variability in precipitation was the key factor affecting spatial distribution of vegetation in arid and semi-arid regions. Few studies examined vegetation phenology in the tropics such that more studies are urged in order to clarify the effects of climate change on phenology. Remotely sensed data enhance our ability to analyze ecosystem phenology of remote and inaccessible regions. Analysis of land surface phenology over the last three decades using remote sensing techniques indicated that the pattern of earlier start of growing season in the mid- and high-latitudes was consistent with the pattern of global warming. Elevated temperate prior to the beginning of growing season might contribute to the earlier beginning of growing season. Few field observations focused on the relationship between plant phenology and climate conditions in Taiwan. Recent studies using remotely sensed data revealed that temperature was the key factor determining land surface phenology but precipitation also played an important role in low elevation plains with a distinctive dry season. Field observations of plant phenology do not always agree with results from analysis of remotely sensed data. However, with the rapid advances in the resolutions of satellite images and analytical techniques, the integration of the two approaches may have tremendous potential in studies of the effects of global climate change and dynamics of ecosystem phenology. Geographers are strongly encouraged to get involved and contribute to this promising research topic.
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