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1.(1989)。Great Commission Manifesto/3 (GCOWE, Singapore)。International Journal of Frontier Missions,6(1-4),112。  new window
2.Corwinh, Gary(199404)。Letters to the Editor。Evangelical Missions Quarterly,30(2),118。  new window
3.Dorr, Darrell(199010)。Adopting the Unreached Peoples in the 1990s。International Journal of Frontier Missions,7(4),118。  new window
4.Elder, Ted(199104)。Mobilizing Labourers in the 90s: What Is It Going to Take?。International Journal of Frontier Missions,8(2),57。  new window
5.Escobar, Samuel(199110)。A Movement Divided。Transformation,8(4),9。  new window
6.Hasseigrave, David J.(198901-198)。World Evangelization by A. D. 2000: Surmounting Certain Barriers。International Journal of Frontier Missions,6(1),77-98。  new window
7.Jaffarian, Michael(199401)。World Evangelization by A.D. 2000: Will We Make It?。Evangelical Mission Quarterly,30(1),22。  new window
8.Johnson, Alan ct(2001)。Analyzing the Frontier Mission Movement and Unreached People Group Thinking, part III: Critical Analysis of the Missiology of the Frontier Mission Movement。International Journal of Frontier Missions,18(3),121-127。  new window
9.Johnson, Alan.(2001)。Analyzing the Frontier Mission Movement and Unreached People Group Thinking, part I: The Frontier Mission Movement's Understanding of the Modern Mission Era。International Journal of Frontier Missions,18(2),92。  new window
10.McQuilkin, Robert(199404)。Six Inflammatory Questions, part 1。Evangelical Missions Quarterly,30(2),132。  new window
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12.Moore, Steve(199501-199)。From Adoption to Engagement。International Journal of Frontier Missions,12(1),29。  new window
13.Moreau, Scott(201101)。A Current Snapshot of North American Protestant Missions。International Bulletin of Missionary Research,35(1),12-16。  new window
14.Padilla, Rene(199010)。Mission in the 1990s。International Bulletin of Missionary Research,13(4),152。  new window
15.Padilla, Rene(201104)。The Future of the Lausanne Movement。International Bulletin of Missionary Research,35(2),86-87。  new window
16.Robb, John、Johnstone, Patrick(198901-198)。Unreached People Track Report from Lausanne II。International Journal of Frontier Missions,6(1-4),74-75。  new window
17.Wang, Thomas(1986)。By the Year 2000: Is God Trying to Tell Us Something?。International Journal of Frontier Missions,3(1),79。  new window
18.Winter, Ralph(1984)。Unreached Peoples: The Concept Development。International Journal of Frontier Missions,1(2),139。  new window
19.Winter, Ralph(1985)。Mission 2000: Toward a Strategy of Closure。International Journal of Frontier Missions,2(1),39。  new window
20.Winter, Ralph(199604-199)。Thy Kingdom Come: An Analysis of a Vision。International Journal of Frontier Missions,13(2),63。  new window
21.Winter, Ralph(2002)。Advancing Strategies of Closure: From Mission to Evangelism to Mission。International Journal of Frontier Missions,19(3),6-9。  new window
22.Winter, Ralph(19890801)。Unreached Peoples: Recent Development in the Concept。Mission frontiers。  new window
23.Winter, Ralph(199111-199)。Are 90% of Our Missionaries Serving in the Wrong Places?。Mission frontiers,34。  new window
1.Barrett, David、Reapsome, James(1988)。Seven Hundred Plans to Evangelize the World。Birmingham:Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention。  new window
2.Bush, Luis、Pegues, Beverley(1999)。The Move of the Holy Spirit in 10/40 Window。Seattle:YWAM。  new window
3.Dayton. Edward、Fraser, David(1980)。Planning Strategies for World Evangelization。Grand Rapid:Eerdmans。  new window
4.Douglas, J. D.(1975)。Let the Earth Hear His Voice: International Congress on World Evangelization Lausanne。Switzerland:Minneapolis:World Wide Publications:World Wide Publications。  new window
5.Engel, James、Dyrness, William(2000)。Changing the Mind of Missions: Where Have We Gone Wrong?。Downers Grove, Ill.:Inter Varsity Press。  new window
6.Escobar, Samuel(2003)。The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone。Downers Grove:IVP。  new window
7.Newbigin, Lesslie(1994)。The Logic of Mission。New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 2: Theological Foundations。Maryknoll:Orbis Books。  new window
8.Winter, Ralph et al.(2009)。Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader。Pasadena:William Carey Library。  new window
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2.Bahler, Donna(199203-)。The Co-mission-A Cooperative Effort Target 150 Commonwealth Cities,www.missionfrontiers,org/search/results/search&keywords=comission/, 4, August, 2012。  new window
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5.Dorr, Darrell.(198901-198)。Pressing Forward to AD 2000,http://www.missionfrontiers.org/issue/article/pressing-forward-to-ad-2000, 3 August 2012。  new window
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7.Verwer, George。Report of Mobilization of New Missionaries Track for AD 2000 and Beyond Movement,http://www.ad2000.org/re00816.htm, 18 July 2012。  new window
8.Wang, Thomas(198706)。By the Year 2000: Is God Trying to Tell Us Something?,World Evangelization.。  new window
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