

主題關鍵詞:體驗行銷顧客關係強度關係連結Experiential marketingCustomer relationship strengthBonds
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近年來體驗行銷已變成企業運用來改變消費者行為的一個重要理念,體驗行銷的運用已變成企業主要的行銷策略。顧客關係強度是影響顧客關係的主要變數,但在顧客體驗行銷認知與顧客關係強度之間關聯性的探討並不多。本研究以美容服務業個案業者在台灣地區顧客調查資料提出研究模式,探討上述兩者其間的關係。研究發現顧客關係強 度認知直接受其體驗行銷認知顯著影響,而顧客關係連結、整體體驗滿意度、顧客信任、顧客承諾則為其間的中介變數。
Experiential marketing (EM) is one of latest marketing thoughts that are held by many firms to react to the changes in customer behavior in recent years. The application of EM has become one of major marketing strategies in many firms. Customer relationship strength (CRS) is an important influence factor of customer relationship management. There is not much research that has addressed the relation between EM and CRS. The study presented a model to explore the relation. The results of the present study show that, using the customers of the beauty industry in Taiwan as the source of data collection, customer perception of experiential marketing has an impact on customer relationship strength, both directly and indirectly. CRS is affected by EM directly. The indirect effects imply that bonds, total customer satisfaction, trust, commitment and serve as the intervening variables between EM and CRS.
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