

作者:駱信昌 引用關係
作者(外文):Lo, Hsin-chang
主題關鍵詞:德爾菲層級程序法保健器材學童舒壓背靠Delphi Hierarchy ProcessHealthcare deviceElementary school childrenPressure-relieving back supporter
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Elementary school years are a crucial period to children's physical development. If school children carry their schoolbags in an inappropriate manner, it would bring their spine to an abnormal curve, which leads to musculoskeletal disorders or even spinal deformity. Healthcare devices can adjust inappropriate bag-carrying posture and reduce spinal pressure. The design of healthcare devices should take several design elements into consideration and apply multiple criteria decision making to acquire objective design principle and evaluation consensus. In this study we cooperated with medical equipment manufactures to explore the feasibility of applying Delphi Hierarchy Process in medical equipment design and evaluation mode through a case study in which a pressure-relieving back supporter was designed for school children. First, Delphi Hierarchy Process was adopted to obtain the consensual design concepts of the pressure-relieving back supporter from experts of different domains. Then through analytic hierarchy process, three design objectives and ten design criteria were introduced, and the relative importance ranking of the criteria was also calculated. The ranking was adopted to decide the priority of each solution and determine the best solution. The experimental result showed that Delphi Hierarchy Process allowed experts to determine the design criteria, establishing the hierarchical structure of the design standard, proposing design concept and completing sensitivity analysis of the new product from early development stage. Therefore, the final product prototype complied obviously with the initial product development goals. In this study, the feasibility of applying Delphi Hierarchy Process in new product development process is explained through a case study. Delphi Hierarchy Process proves to be a simple and objective method that is not only with clear logical structure but also easy to operate, which makes it possible to be widely applied in different types of product development.
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