

作者(外文):Yen, Hung-chin
主題關鍵詞:個人-工作適配教師驗證性因素分析Confirmatory factor analysisPerson-job fitTeacher
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the fit between elementary school teachers and their jobs using the Person-Job Fit Scale developed by Chi et al. (2008). In terms of research method, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on teachers of public elementary schools in Taiwan. A total of 1,040 questionnaires were distributed, and 730 valid questionnaires were returned. The results showed that teachers’ person-job fit includes five constructs, namely basic need, self-realization, self-esteem need, capacity, and job requirement. The factor structure is a single-hierarchical five-factor oblique model. As for teachers’ level of perception, teachers who concurrently serve as directors perceived higher fit in the aspects of capacity and job requirement than those who concurrently serve as Section Chief, and perceived higher fit in the self-esteem need aspects than those who concurrently serve as full-time teachers. This study also proposed suggestions on school practice and follow-up studies according to the research results.
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1. 國民中小學校長自我犧牲領導、組織信任、 教師追隨行為與教師自我效能之研究
2. 高中校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究
3. 公務人員組織認定與關係認定契合之影響:路徑、後果及調節效果
4. 教師工作投入與工作滿意、組織承諾之後設分析
5. 創造性探究教學模組對高中社團學生科學探究能力、科學創造力與科學學習動機之影響
6. 國中科學教師科學探究教學效能之研究
7. 大學生品味、創意自我效能、廚藝創造力關係之研究
8. 大學運動員完美主義與主觀幸福感的關係: 探討生活壓力與因應策略的中介效果
9. 影響學生學習成效之因素與探討-以專業課程英語授課為例
10. 職場個人學習、創新效能感、工作動機、創造力及工作績效間之關係—以組織創新氛圍為跨層次調節效果
11. 新北市國民小學校長轉型領導與交易領導對教師教學效能影響之研究
12. 國民小學組織正義、組織公民行為與競爭優勢關係之研究:以領導者與部屬交換關係為調節效果
13. 幼兒數學自主學習創新教學模式之行動研究
14. 國小組長知覺校長正向領導、學校組織健康、人境適配與工作幸福感之關係:階層線性模式的驗證
15. 技術型高中具新住民子女身分之學生在組織正義、 同儕關係、師生關係與學習滿意度之研究 -從教師與學生觀點探討
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