

作者:黃永和 引用關係李佳潔
作者(外文):Huang, Yung-hoLee, Chia-chieh
主題關鍵詞:討論教學教學策略協同學習DiscussionTeachingInstructional strategyCollaborative learning
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This paper describes a project aimed at improving the quality of class discussions. After reviewing related literature, we identified the following reasons for relevant discussions being unsatisfying: First, teachers typically misinterpret ”recitation” to mean ”discussion.” Second, teachers tend to emphasize strategies for encouraging students to participate in discussions enthusiastically rather than the development of students' discussion skills. Third, teachers generally focus exclusively on discussing the learning subject and fail to create an open environment that supports discussion. Thus, we proposed a project comprising 12 instructional activities for teachers to generate real discussions. This project was implemented in a third-grade elementary classroom for approximately 3 months. The implementation results showed that the project improved the students' self-efficacy regarding their discussion skills and the overall quality of classroom discussions.
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