

作者:吳宗憲 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Chuang-hsien
主題關鍵詞:不確定性代理人理論風險臺北市促進民間參與公共建設UncertaintyAgent theoryRiskTaipei city government's private participation in public infrastructure
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學界習慣以代理人理論來分析政府委外案件,根據該理論的分析,若該業務具有 高度的資訊不對稱問題,則政府需採結果導向的契約,透過誘因相容的機制,才能促 使業者與政府產生正向的合作關係。依此,台北市政府公共建設由於規模大、複雜性 高,採取民間參與公共建設法這種透過結果導向契約模式與業者互動,應可取得較佳 的合作關係,惟究實而論,該法的落實似乎不如預期提升公私協力品質,甚至反生嚴 重齟齬,面對這些問題,代理人理論或許將這些衝突解釋為代理人的風險趨避行為, 但本文透過實證研究發現,雙方之所以產生衝突,乃政府慣用了「代理人理論」的契 約設計假定,而忽視了促參協力過程當中的「結構不確定性」現象,而這種不確定 性,使得政府對促參政策問題所提出的解決措施產生失靈的現象。因此,本文在代理 人理論外,另外再歸納不同的政策措施,用以解決結構不確定性帶來的問題。
We often use agent theory to analysis the governmental contract-out cases. According to that theory, if governments face high level information asymmetric problem, it should adopt result-contract. By the incentive compatibility mechanism, governments can make private sector cooperate with it. Through this perspective, because “Taipei city government’s private participation in public infrastructure policy” is large scale and high complexity, it should adopt result-contract mechanism like law of government’s private participation in public infrastructure in order to bring better relationship between private and public sector. However, when really adopting that law, it can’t cause better result but confliction. Agent theory maybe uses risk-averse concept to explain the confliction dilemma, but after our empirical study, we find that just the assumption of agent theory cause the confliction. We also find the structural uncertainty makes the failure of PPP mechanism, so we try to abate agent theory and contribute other policy measures to resolve the structural uncertainty problem.
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