

作者:榮芳杰 引用關係吳秉聲 引用關係
作者(外文):Jung, Fang-chiehWu, Ping-sheng
主題關鍵詞:氣候變遷預防性維護風險準備文化資產世界遺產Climate changePreventive conservationRisk preparednessCultural propertyWorld heritage
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這是一篇討論為了因應有形文化資產遭受極端氣候影響,世界各國所採取的一系列的行動方案與因應對策。近幾年來,在永續發展與預防性維護(preventiveconservation)的概念下,國際間不同的學術單位與遺產組織已累積相當多的研究成果。同樣地,臺灣本島以及澎湖與金馬等外島在四周環海的地理條件下亦受到氣候變遷的高度影響。因此,我國也逐步開展有形文化資產受氣候變遷影響的相關研究計畫。 基於上述,本文將從六個面向來探討有形文化資產因應極端氣候衝擊的行動與對策,分別是「英國政府與學術機構的行動策略」、「歐盟國家與學術機構的行動策略」、「世界遺產委員會的行動策略」、「國際文化紀念物與歷史場所委員會的行動策略」、「其他國外非政府組織(NGOs)的行動策略」,以及「臺灣政府與學術機構的行動策略」。冀望本文能初步描繪出現階段國際間因應極端氣候衝擊的相關策略與行動狀況,作為爾後的參考。
This study discusses the strategies and actions of international society in response to the impacts of extreme climate on tangible cultural property. Over the past few years, with an emphasis on theconcepts of sustainable development and preventive conservation, many research achievements havebeen completed by international institutes and heritage organizations. Inevitably, as an island country, Taiwan and its offshore islands are highly affected by climate change. Therefore, a series of research projects on related topics has been carried out over the past few years. Based on the above analyses, this paper attempts to focus on six parts to discuss strategies andactions of the impacts of extreme climate on tangible cultural property. They are “strategies and actionsof the British government and academic institutes”, “strategies and actions of the EU” , “strategies and actions of the WHC” , “strategies and actions of ICOMOS”, “strategies and actions of other NGOs”and “strategies and actions of the Taiwan government and academic institutes”. With this review, it is hoped that further planning and research into the topic of the impact of extreme climate on tangiblecultural property in Taiwan can continue.
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