

作者(外文):Shi, Hung-yu
主題關鍵詞:請觀音經非行非坐三昧行法觀行破障Invoking Guanyin SutraTiantai sectThe Samādhi thorough Neither Walking Nor SittingXingfaGuanxingGetting rid of obstacle
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The Invoking Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) Sutra is a very important practicing sutra in Tiantai sect. Zhiyi (智顗) regarded it as the basis for Mohe zhiguan (摩訶止觀) , a Samādhi practicing method thorough "Neither Walking Nor Sitting. (非行非坐)" He also made the explanatory notes (Invoking Guanyin commentary) and built the Repentance Ritual (Qing Guanyin Repentance Ritual) for it. Zhiyi used the largest space to introduce this "Neither Walking Nor Sitting Samādhi" in the four kinds of Samādhi of the Mohe zhiguan, that we can see how he values the sutra. Studying the disciplines in Zhiyi's commentaries of the Invoking Guanyin Sutra, in the aspect of Guanxing (觀 行), one can find that he used the ten methods illustrated in the Invoking Guanyin Commentary; there is only some differences in details respectively in his works of the content. In the aspect of Guanxing, the contemplation of the five cumulations and twelve Pratītyasamutpāda are the subject matter. The methods of contemplation uses four terms (existence, non-existence, existence and non-existence, non-existence and non-non-existence) to explain the accomplishment of ultimate true. The practice of getting rid of obstacle is a special discipline in Invoking Guanyin Sutra comparing to other sutras. It uses the three obstacles practicing, coordinating with three kinds of Dhāraṇī, to achieve the purpose of clearing the three poisons to become Buddha. Besides, Zhiyi used the six kinds of Guanyin to interpret the function of eradicating three obstacles in the Mohe zhiguan and the features of practicing the twenty five kinds of Samādhi. He craftily weaves six kinds of Guanyin into the practice as an ultimate discipline. This is Zhiyi's exceptional way in interpreting the practice method in the Invoking Guanyin Sutra. However, we did not see any other interpretation of the six kinds of Guanyin after Zhiyi. Zhanran interpreted the ten kinds of Guanxing with the Invoking Guanyin Commentary in the Zhiguan fuxing chuanhongjue (止觀輔行傳弘決). He explained that the ten kinds of Guanxing should involve Shixiu (事修) and Liguan (理觀) and stressed the importance of Liguan. Zhanran encourages to practice the sutra. Zunshi replaces the tenth Guanxing "meditation" to "reciting sutra," and "Śūrajgama-samādhi" expounded in the sutra with the "Samādhi of Buddha Recitation." Zunshi seems want to coordinate his own main practice of the Buddha's teaching into it. Zhiyuan explained repentance ritual methods in Chanyi chao (闡義鈔). He introduces perform ceremony, state of holding and not born to interpret them separately, which is different from other Tiantai masters.
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