

作者:黃素珍 引用關係陳培季陳弘順張世沛 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Su-chenChen, Pei-chiChen, Horng-suenChang, Shih-pei
主題關鍵詞:體適能健康促進常模百分等級七分等級Physical fitnessHealth promotionNormPercentileSeven grades
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本研究目的旨在瞭解蘭陽技術學院學生的體適能現況並與教育部體適能常模比較,結果將提供本校體育相關教學單位參考。以蘭陽技術學院688位學生為研究對象(男生432人,年齡19.7±0.5歲、身高172.7±6.2公分、體重65.5±11.7公斤;女生256人,平均年齡18.4±0.6歲、身高158.9±6.5公分、體重53.9±9.6公斤)。體適能測驗項目有:坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與男生1600公尺、女生800公尺跑走等,測驗所得資料以SPSS for windows 18.0電腦套裝統計軟體處理,所有結果以平均值和標準差表示。結果發現:一、男、女學生除了一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐成績優於常模外,其他各項體適能表現則比常模差。二、在百分等級與七分等級比較上:男、女學生坐姿體前彎百分等級在33%、45%,七分等級為不好和普通;一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐百分等級在57%、63%,七分等級為普通和好;立定跳遠百分等級在26%、16%,七分等級為不好和差;心肺耐力跑走百分等級在5%、9%,七分等級為差。結論:男、女學生的腹肌耐力表現優於常模,應鼓勵保持下去,對於其他各項體適能表現還有很大的改善空間,尤其在心肺適能的部分沒有該年齡學生應有的水準,應特別加強訓練。建議在未來教學上能針對心肺適能加以研擬改善計畫,提升校園運動風氣並培養學生規律運動習慣,指導學生設計個人運動處方,以改善學生的體適能,提升個人健康與生活品質。
Purpose: The aim of this study was to understand the physical fitness level and exercise attitude of Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science students. Methods: The participants included 1796 students (611 male and 1185 female students, with mean age of male 18.4±0.6 years; high 170.9±6.9 cm; weigh 65.8±12.9 kg, female 18.2±0.5 years; high 159.8±5.4 cm; weigh 52.7±9.2 kg, respectively). The physical fitness tests items include sit and reach; 1 min sit-ups; standing long jump and 1600/800m run/walk. The physical fitness tests and questionnaires were according to physical fitness passport project from Department of Education. All data were processed by SPSS for windows 10.0 system, and compare to the fitness seven grade norms of Taiwan male and female students. Results: 1. The fitness seven grade of male students: the grade of fail (27-34%) in sit and reach; the grade of general and good (58-68%) in 1 min sit-ups; the grade of fail and poor (8-24%) in standing long jump, and the grade of poor (8-12%) in 1600m run/walk. 2. The female students: the grade of general (41-45%) in sit and reach; the grade of good (61-71%) in 1 min sit-ups; the grade of fail and poor in standing long jump (10-31%), and 1600m run/walk (12-29%). Conclusions: The sit and reach and standing long jump should be improved for male and female students. The cardiopulmonary endurance of male and female students is worse than the same age norm. It needs more training in a class. The students have positive attitude of exercise, however, have poor action. In order to get good health, the physical education teachers need to encourage students to do exercise regularly.
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