

書刊名:高雄師大學報. 教育與社會科學類
作者:蔡明富 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Ming-fu
主題關鍵詞:國中學生雙重特殊學生注意力缺陷過動症標記Junior high school studentsTwice-exceptional studentsADHDLabel
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雙重特殊學生(twice-exceptional students)是一群兼具身心障礙與資賦優異特質的學生。過去雖有研究探討特教標記相關訊息對學生知覺之影響,惟雙重特殊學生標記(如ADHD資優標記)與行為嚴重程度訊息對國中學生知覺之影響,仍鮮有探討。本研究主要釐清不同標記(普通學生、ADHD學生、資優學生、ADHD資優學生)與行為(適當行為、ADHD行為、違規行為)訊息如何影響國中學生預測同學在學習、社會、創意及行為特質之知覺。研究對象為高雄市492名國中普通班學生,以「我的同學問卷」蒐集資料,所得資料採二因子變異數分析。本研究發現:1.不同標記訊息不會因為出現不同行為訊息,而對學生之知覺有影響。2.單獨出現標記訊息,學生對正向標記(如資優、ADHD資優標記),在學習特質知覺,優於普通學生及ADHD標記學生,但在社會、創意及行為特質的知覺,並不會受到標記訊息影響。3.單獨出現行為訊息時,負向行為(如ADHD及違規行為)對學生知覺學習、社會及行為特質差於適當行為,且對違規行為負向知覺差於ADHD行為,另外學生對ADHD行為訊息形成創意特質知覺,優於出現適當行為及違規行為訊息。
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of different labels and behavioral information on junior high school students' perceptions. Four different labels encompassed normal, ADHD, Gifted and ADHD/Gifted, and three types of different behavioral information were described as normal, ADHD and CD. 492 junior high school students were recruited from Kaohsiung City. All participants were asked to complete ”The Perception of My Classmate Inventory.” The obtained data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA analysis. The results showed that (1) There was no significant two-way interaction between different labels and behavioral information on students' perceptions to academic, social, creative and behavioral domains. (2) The Gifted and ADHD/Gifted label had a positive perception on students' prediction of academic domain. But social, creative and behavioral domains were not significant. (3) The ADHD and CD behavior had a negative perception on students' prediction of academic, social and behavior domains. The ADHD behavior had a positive perception on students' prediction of creative domain.
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