

作者:王佩瑜 引用關係王秀鳳 引用關係劉怡君
作者(外文):Wang, Pei-yuWang, Hsiu-fengLiu, Yi-chun
主題關鍵詞:電子書適性化設計小學教育人機介面E-bookAdaptive designElementary educationHuman-computer interface
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This study aimed to explore the impact of age and adaptive design on elementary students’reading of e-books. This study was a two-way experimental design where the first factor was learner age (4th and 5th grade) and the second factor was e-book adaptive design (adaptive, non-adaptive visual, non-adaptive verbal). The e-books used in this study targeted six major classes of nutrients as content. This study was guided by the following question: Is there any interaction between age and e-book adaptive design on learning achievement (recall and transfer) and learning motivation (attention, relevance and confidence)? A sample of one hundred 4th and 5th graders participated in the study, and participants were randomly assigned into one of three groups. They were asked to do a pre-test first, and then they read their assigned e-books for twenty minutes. After they finished reading, they were given a post-test. The results showed significant interactions between age and the e-book adaptive design. For the 4th graders, the adaptive e-book group worked best in recall, transfer and attention scores. For the 5th graders, there was no significant difference among these three e-book designs. This revealed that the adaptive design is more critical for younger children. This study hoped to broaden theories on multimedia learning for young learners and serve as a reference for elementary school teachers and e-book designers.
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