

作者(外文):Choi, Daniel K. T.
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1.Allbutt, Mary E.(1949)。Hither To: Chronogram of Mission Highlights。China's Millions,72。  new window
2.Frost, H. W.(191509)。The China Inland Mission, 1865-1915。China's Millions,132-133。  new window
3.(189501)。The C. I. M. Prayer Union。China's Millions。  new window
4.Taylor, J. Hudson(189701)。The Missionary。China's Millions,6-8。  new window
5.Steven, F. A.(189603)。Does God Want Me in China?。China's Millions,29-30。  new window
6.Thompson, H. R. E.(194206)。Systematic Bible Teaching: The What, Who and Where of Bible Training in the China Inland Mission。China's Millions,85。  new window
7.Frost, Henry W.(193302)。What is Our Commission: The Primal Truths Contained in the Great Command of Christ。China's Millions,19-20。  new window
8.Hoste, D. E.(192901)。A Re-Statement of Policy。China's Millions,3-4。  new window
1.(1890)。Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai。The General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,(會議日期: May 7-10, 1890)。Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press。  new window
1.Brotchie, Philip E.(1999)。The Importance of the Contribution of Australians to the Penetration of China by the China Inland Mission in the Period 1888-1953(博士論文)。Deakin University。  new window
2.Huntley, David A.(2002)。The Withdrawal of the China Inland Mission from China and the Redeployment to New Fields in East Asia: An Understanding of the Methodology and Decision-Making Process(博士論文)。Trinity Theological Seminary。  new window
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4.Austin, A. J.(1996)。Pilgrims and Strangers: The China Inland Mission in Britain, Canada, the United States and China, 1865-1900(博士論文)。York University。  new window
1.(1875)。The Occasional Papers of the China Inland Mission, from November 1872 to March 1875。London:Morgan & Scott。  new window
2.Houghton, Frank(1965)。The Fire Burns On: 1865-1965 C. I. M. Anthology。London:OMF。  new window
3.Lyall, Leslie T.(1965)。A Passion for the Impossible: The China Inland Mission, 1865-1965。Chicago:Moody Press。  new window
4.Thompson, Phyllis、董艷雲(1965)。耶和華以勒:內地會百週年見證。香港:證道。  延伸查詢new window
5.Bacon, Daniel W.(1984)。From Faith to Faith: The Influence of Hudson Taylor on the Faith Missions Movement。Singapore:OMF。  new window
6.Taylor, Howard(1911)。Hudson Taylor in Early Years: The Growth of a Soul。London:Morgan & Scott and China Inland Mission。  new window
7.Taylor, Howard(1918)。Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God。London:Morgan & Scott and China Inland Mission。  new window
8.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1981)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 1: Barbarians at the Gates。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
9.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1986)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 2: Over the Treaty Wall。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
10.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1982)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 3: If I had a Thousand Lives。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
11.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1984)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 4: Survivors' Pact。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
12.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1985)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 5: Refiner's Fire。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
13.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1988)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century-Book 6: Assault on the Nine。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
14.Broomhall, Anthony J.(1989)。Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century -Book 7: It is not Death to。London:Hodder & Stoughton and OMF。  new window
15.Semple, Rhonda A.(1997)。Women, Gender and Changing Roles in the Missionary Project: The London Missionary Society and the China Inland Mission, 1885-1910。Cambridge:Currents in World Christianity Project。  new window
16.Gutzlaff, Karl F. A.(1834)。Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, in 1831, 1832, and 1833: With Notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands。London:Westley & Davies。  new window
17.Taylor, James H.(1896)。A Retrospect。Philadephia:China Inland Mission。  new window
18.Taylor, J. Hudson(1872)。Summary of the Operations of the China Inland Mission from Its Commencement to the Year 1871。London:James Nisbet & Co.。  new window
19.Bretschneider, E.(1898)。Map of China Prepared for the China Inland Mission 1898。London:Sanford's Geographical Establishment。  new window
20.Broomhall, Benjamin(1901)。A Story Retold: "The Cambridge Seven"。London:Morgan & Scott and China Inland Mission。  new window
21.Glover, Archibald E.(1904)。A Thousand Miles of Miracle: A Personal Record of God's Delivering Power in China。London:China Inland Mission。  new window
22.Thompson, Phyllis(1947)。D. E. Hoste: A Prince with God。London:China Inland Mission。  new window
23.海外基督使團(1994)。中國事工講座手冊。香港:海外基督使團。  延伸查詢new window
24.Cook, Harold R.(1955)。An Introduction to the Study of Christian Missions。Chicago:Moody Press。  new window
25.中國社會科學院世界宗敎研究所(1987)。中華歸主--中國基督敎事業統計(1901-1920)。北京:中國社會科學院。  延伸查詢new window
26.MacGillivray, D.(1914)。The China Mission Year Book, 1914。Shanghai:The Christian Literature Society for China。  new window
27.Thompson, Phyllis(1956)。Proving God: Financial Experiences of the China Inland Mission。London:OMF。  new window
28.鲍康寧(1913)。The A.B.C. of Chinese Writing。Shanghai:China Inland Mission。  new window
29.鲍康寧(1923)。A Mandarin Primer。Shanghai:China Inland Mission。  new window
30.鲍康寧(1924)。The Sacred Edict: With a Translation of the Colloquial Rendering。Shanghai:China Inland Mission。  new window
31.Rawlinson, Frank(1926)。The China Christian Year Book, 1926。Shanghai:Christian Literature Society for China。  new window
32.Houghton, Frank(1948)。China Calling。London:China Inland Mission。  new window
33.Houghton, Frank(1932)。The Two Hundred: Why They Were Needed, How They Responded, Who They Are, Where They Are。London:China Inland Mission。  new window
34.張陳一萍(2005)。惟獨基督:戴德生生平與事工圖片紀念集。香港:海外基督使團。  延伸查詢new window
35.Taylor, J. H.(1887)。China’s Spiritual Need and Claims。London:Morgan & Scott。  new window
36.Broomhall, Marshall(1915)。The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission。London:Morgan & Scott and China Inland Mission。  new window
37.(1896)。The China Mission Hand-Book: First Issue。Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press。  new window
38.Hocking, William Ernest(1932)。Re-thinking Missions: A Laymen's Inquiry after One Hundred Years。Harper & Brothers。  new window
39.蔡錦圖(1998)。戴德生與中國內地會(1832-1953)。香港:建道神學院。  延伸查詢new window
40.美國平信徒調查團、徐寶謙(1934)。宣教事業平議。上海:商務。  延伸查詢new window
1.呂實強(1985)。揚州敎案與天津敎案。敎案與反西敎。台北:台灣商務。  延伸查詢new window
2.(1993)。敎會大事記。中華基督敎會年鑑。台北:中國敎會研究中心:橄欖文化基金會。  延伸查詢new window
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