

作者(外文):Cheng, Hong-jhePan, Hsiang-juChen, Ru-yihTu, Ming-shium
主題關鍵詞:高齡緩和醫療失智症疾病末期病人Geriatric palliative careDementiaTerminally ill patient
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In this article, we overviewed current aging population issues and leading causes of death among geriatrics in Taiwan. By presenting a geriatric case with terminal prostate cancer and dementia, we discussed care problems in terminal geriatric cancer patients including pain control, nutrition support and dignity etc. We also reminded that dementia population is increasing. Palliative care for dementia patients deserves high-intensity attention, such as care problems and patient's right of self-decision. Finally, we proposed feasible suggestions on terminal care for geriatrics.
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